Original - Prologue

Jun 16, 2010 01:34

Title: Prologue
Fandom: Original
Rating: PG
Sumamry: A teaser for what I'm slowly beginning to work on: a (hopefully) novel length story about Ryouta and Shinya, the two from Of Sticky Fingers and Ice Cream Kisses

I'd love to hear what you think of this!


The rush of humidity that whooshed through the sliding door hit Ryouta hard enough that it could have knocked the air right out of him.

That would be, if he found it easy to breathe to begin with.

It was one of those days where your senses seemed to be overwhelmed with detail and sensation. Mid-July, the overwhelming summer humidity beginning to take a firm hold upon the entire country. The sky was a far cry from blue; yellows and reds and oranges splashed across the sky like a watercolour painting, the colours washed across the canvas. The air was hot, and heavy, and seemed to have a texture all of his own. Ryouta resisted the urge to reach out and see if he could shape the air, wanting to know if he could make the summer haze swirl at his fingertips. In that moment, it felt like it could.

Despite being in the middle of town, everything seemed far too quiet, far too still. The school grounds should have long been empty. All of the other students ran off the moment the bell rang, embracing every last moment they had of their summer holidays approaching. Even most of the teachers had left, one of two of the head teachers still lingering about before heading out to their end of semester parties. But here Ryouta was, well after leaving the school that afternoon, looking for something he knew he would find.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.

Ryouta balled his hands up in a fist, tight enough that he could feel his nails pressing into his palms. The pain was nothing compared to the feeling in his stomach, wound up and knotted so tight it felt impossible to breathe, with or without the humidity.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to be at all.

Things were suddenly confusing. But they suddenly made sense. Ryouta’s entire world was turned upside down, and he didn’t know if it was the best or worst thing that had ever happened to him. All he knew was that it wasn’t the first time that he wished he could bypass all of this teenage confusion he seemed to be dealing with by the truckload this year.


The sudden noise broke Ryouta out of his thoughts, shaking him right out of the dream-like state the weather had lulled him into. It was the exact voice he had been looking for. The exact one he needed to hear.

The same one that sent his stomach flip-flipping all over again, twisting and knotting up once more.

“Shinya… Hey.”

Ryouta knew that Shinya would be here. Shinya hadn’t told anyone where he was; he didn’t need to. Ryouta just… knew. They hadn’t known each other long, but Ryouta knew that Shinya would be here. He had been hiding out up here long before Shinya had been. It was where they met.

The fact that Shinya had chosen to hide out here, of all places, sent a nervous sort of thrill through Ryouta.

Stepping out onto the roof, Ryouta shut the sliding door behind him, shielding the setting sun from his eyes. “What are you doing up here?” The deep breaths he tried to take felt impossible, the air so thick, his insides so wound up that he could hardly move it seemed.

Shrugging, Shinya stretched his arms over his head, making his already long and lanky arms seem awkward and disproportionate against the rest of his body. He leaned back against the wall, pulling the tie on his school uniform further loose. “I dunno. I needed to think.”


“The other day.”

Three words, and suddenly the haze and humidity and everything in the air had nothing compared to the tension on that rooftop. Ryouta could feel his face turn a bright red as his thoughts went back to that day. It was impossible to breathe for a moment, breath stuck in his throat. Ryouta wanted to reach out and grab at the feeling at the air, it more palpable than any humidity, any haze or colours in the sky. The second where their eyes connected, then quickly broke apart, seemed to last forever.


His heartbeat began to beat faster and faster, the sound of it pounding in his ears, so that the silence of everything around them was drowned out by the constant, steady thud. Something inside him stirred, knowing exactly why he knew Shinya was there.

“Look, about that night… I’m so sor-”

But Ryouta wasn’t listening at that point. It was impossible to see, hear, feel anything other than the urge driving him on, and the rhythm pounding in his ears. A few long strides over, and Ryouta was standing before Shinya. Without a second hesitation, he grabbed Shinya’s tie, pulling him down and pressing their lips together roughly.


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