Title Breaking Point
Fandom: Kamen Rider W
Pairing: Phillip/Shoutarou
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Phillip asks Shoutarou what you do when there is no book yet to answer your questions.
Notes: Finally! This one has been floating around in my mind for a while. There's good news and bad news here though. Good news! ...I like what happens in this fic. Bad
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The way you got their relationship here is PERFECT. I find a major theme in the shows is that they are showing us how Phillip is learning and grasping ideals from Shoutarou...YOU GOT THAT HERE, FTW! AWESOME!
And just...wow. So much more I want to say but it just.won't.come.out.
And the GAH psychic link at the END! I'm not one to keyboard smash, but kljsbgdnflkjshdfksaj! I HAVE TO HERE.
Seriously. AFUCKINGMAZING. I bow down to you. REALLY.
( ... )
But really, I LOVED this fic. It's one of my favs so far. You got them DOWN here. Wonderful!
Thank you! (There's something about the last little "Sorry" that Phillip says that I can hear SO CLEARLY and imagine his expression so perfectly. It makes me happy.)
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