Title: Santa's Claws
Fandom: Phoenix Wright
Rating: G
Warning: GANT.
Summary: Pearl wants to go see Santa.
12daysofxxxmas prompt #7 - swimming.
Pearl didn’t know who Santa was.
Maya and Phoenix both decided this was blasphemous. Even Miles felt it was wrong to not even know who he was.
So a trip to the mall was in order.
The ride there was filled with questions. Pearl wanted to know everything about Santa. Why didn’t he have claws? Why did he give toys out? What happened to the people without fireplaces? Was that why Santa never visited her? Was he trapped in the incinerator, thinking it was a fireplace? Pearl got herself into a panic over this one, and even managed to get Maya believing it for a moment. Luckily, Miles, ever the voice of reason, managed to convince Pearl that she had not been the cause of Santa’s death, and she would not have to go to jail.
But Pearl decided she wanted Phoenix as her defence anyways.
As the group neared the Santa Village in the mall, Phoenix had an uneasy feeling, all of a sudden. One glance at Miles and he knew he wasn’t the only one feeling it, and yet neither had any idea why. So they stood in line, waiting to see the man in red.
“I can’t wait to tell Santa what I want for Christmas!” Maya squealed.
Phoenix looked at Maya, confused for a bit. “Aren’t you a bit old for Santa Claus?”
“Of course not! Got to get all the gifts in when I’m young!” Maya seemed so sure in her logic, not even Miles wanted to object to it.
As Maya and Pearl began discussing Santa, Phoenix looked around a little, peering at the Santa sitting smugly in the large red throne, sharp, cold eyes peering over his glasses at the boy in his lap.
Sharp? Cold? Phoenix wondered what kind of Santa would have eyes like that.
And then he heard ‘Santa’.
AHAHAHAHA. Oh, my boy, are you sure you don’t want a swimming pool instead?”
The boy in Santa’s lap simply stared up at him, not sensing the coldness in his eyes. “But I reeeeeeeally want a Wii!”
“You SHOULD want a swimming pool, Tommy. Swimming is great!”
“My name isn’t Tommy.”
Phoenix recognized that voice. Another glance at Miles proved he wasn’t the only one really disturbed by this ‘Santa’.
“Come on, Santa looks busy here,” Phoenix said, a hand on either girl’s shoulder as he dragged them out of the line. “Lets go to another mall, when Santa will show up there when he isn’t too busy.”