can we all say "BRRRRRR!!!! It's Freakin cold!!!"

Mar 09, 2005 22:08

Holy shit…can we all say “freeze your ass off?”  Not only was it cold outside (the cold came, like zoom, during third period) the wind chill was atrocious.  The first thing I think of when the cold hits me is, “crap…and I didn’t bring my parka today…grrreeeaaat.”

Alright, so this morning, I was scared shitless.  I was walking up the stairs when the late bell rang (as usual), so I just continued on to class because Ms. Krutchik loves me and let’s me get away with mass homicide.  I enter up the back stairwell from the student parking lot and come down the main hallway by the main stairwells and I see Renzo standing in the hallway with all these other people and he looks pissed.  Then I see this security guard point at a girl and tell her to come over.  I freak out and hide behind that huge pillar in the middle of the second floor with the water fountain in it.  I went for a couple moments, then peak out and see them all leaving, so I turn around and bolt.  I went down the back way by the library instead.  It ends up that they were rounding up people without their ID’s on (being biased of course) and giving them CSI, 2 days outdoor, or two days of Saturday school.  That was a bunch of shit.  Honestly…it wasn’t even before first when they were doing this.  Utter crap.  Renzo got a call (well…actually I got it because I had his phone again…oops) from Hodge.  Basically he cheated the system and got out of it because before this he was generally a good student.

Oh my God…I just had a phone conversation and an active IMing session with two separate people on two different subjects and I just confused the hell out of myself…

Back on subject, electives fair was today.  It looks like yearbook is going to go to shit and look like crap next year and debate is dead.  That kinda sucks.  Well, during the fair I got to talk to polo people (Jessie in particular) about what the hell we’re going to do for college and majors and we both realized that neither of us knew what the hell we wanted to major in.  I came away with the thought that that’s really okay.  If anything, I’ll major in underwater basket weaving.

I didn’t go to Larson today because of yearbook proofs and I picked up packages for Hodge.  Apparently, though, Larson gave me an A on my poems essay.  She also, apparently, read it to the class (eek!).  From what Sam Newton and Jane told me, she couldn’t read half of what I wrote which I think is hilarious.  Not much happened in sixth except for the supposed tornado.

Okay…polo practice…FUCKING FROZE MY ASS OFF!!!  I get there (without a parka) and I’m freezing.  I was shivering in the locker room while I changed.  The pool was kept warm for us, so as soon as we got the word, we all leapt into the pool.  It was soooooo warm in there I could have died from relief.  I was so cold that I started losing circulation to my appendages (starting with my fingers and toes), so when I jumped into the pool, my fingers and toes started to burn and I really mean burn.  It was painful for the first couple of minutes.  The practice was pretty lax and nice.  We practiced shooting and we had fun.  We were laughing a lot.  We also got to scrimmage and I blocked and stole the ball and that was so cool (yay!).  Now only if I could do that during a real game…Afterwards, we were telling coach that the showers in the girls’ locker room only had cold water, so we wanted to use the guy’s and she wouldn’t believe us.  Long story short, we won.  Frozen ass all the way into the locker room, wiggled my icicle of a butt into my clothes, and waddled out to my car in the rain where I jacked up the heat in my car and sat there and thawed.

As soon as I got home, I had two different types of soup (because it was dinner time, and no one was home).  I figured out something in a really cool way (using my supernatural connective subject abilities) and I ended up being right.  That was the time of my three conversations.  Funny thing happened.  When Lili got home to cook dinner (it’s her night), she ended up cooking soup.  How ironic is that?  Well, off to watch America’s Next Top Model and Project Runway because I’m weird.

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