it was olympics or braving the weather, guess what i chose.

Feb 26, 2010 23:53

I think that the only reason i like watching bobsled is because of cool runnings.  The russian bobsled just tipped over and it was, "ssss, ooooooh."  They were pissed off that they tipped over.  Punching the track and throwing their helmets.  Sucks.

Linsey Vonn just screwed up on slalom so she's out.

I still root for Hamlin, the canadian, because he's a front runner.  Apolo leapt over a crash that took out 1 and 3.  Seriously, like leapt over them.  It was kinda funny to see.  Aw, J.R. Celski is really good friends with a rookie south korean guy Kwak Yoon-Gy.  He's kinda awesome.  He had to pass these guys twice to get to the quarter finals.  Nice to see that the US can be friends with South Korea in short track speed skating instead of rivals.  I just heart J. R. Celski.  I can't find it in me to be excited about women's short track because i don't feel like they're aggressive or fast enough.  I'm sure they actually are, but they just don't look it.  Except the South Koreans.  They're awesome.  Hearing the announcer say, "ready" like he was coming on to a girl was really funny.  It just sounds funny.  Oh man, Lee Ho suk going down was harsh.  How fast that pivot happened was crazy.  He just spun around and went down.  Amazingly, Ohno actually avoided that crash too.  That was a dirty 500 m race for the men.  Seriously dirty.  It looks...yep, Ohno got DQed.  That was Ohno's 3rd crash.  I knew he was either going to crash or something bad was going to happen.  Eek.  Oh well.

The conditions on the hill for slalom are AWFUL.  A lot of people are being DQed or falling because visibility sucks and the conditions just keep getting worse.  I don't know how they would fix this, but yeah.

okay, i LOVE LOVE LOVE short track relay because it's such a beautiful ordered chaos.  Absolutely amazing.  So much fun.

That first turn during the bobsled track reminds me of a roller coaster how it whips the sled on it's side and around the corner so fast.  YAY US bobsled people being fast and such.  They're good.  Woo.

Bob costas "playing" the piano while jimmy Kimmel wrote the most hilarious thank you notes to random aspects of the olympics:

"Thank you men's speed skating uniforms for leaving nothing to the imagination.  Yes, we realize it's cold out there."

"Thank you, Apolo Ohno, for winning a record number of winter olympic medals and being to frozen water what michael phelps is to regular water.  Oh no he didn't?  More like Ohno he did."

"Thank you one one-hundredth of a second for being an incredibly long period of time."

and many others.  I thought those were the funniest and really stuck out to me as in, those are the ones i could remember.  Also funny was when Kimmel asked Costas if he took lessons when he began to play his background music and costas said, "no, i was a child prodigy."  A lot of super funny.

quotes, fan boy, olympics

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