Oct 27, 2009 19:43
It has come to my attention that rice krispy treats are the ninja food of the devil. I'm not talking about those too sickeningly sweet ones you buy, i'm talking about the ones you make yourself. I'm an expert rice krispy treat maker. Granted, it's not even that difficult, but i can still do it really really well. I made a normal batch of rice krispy treats on Sunday night. It is Tuesday night. I finished them. As i yell and kick and cry because there are no more, i wonder, how the hell did i eat all of them? It's not like i would even eat one square. No, that would have been normal. I would eat an entire row and walk away, forget that i'd eaten a whole row and go back for another. How could i have forgotten that i ate a whole row, you ask? This is wear the ninja devil food part comes in. In that moment of eating a rice krispy, it tastes really good. Then, after you finish, you feel like you never even ate one. You aren't fuller and you still want one like before you ate it. It's crazy!! How can this be?? That's why it's a ninja: it slips in and disappears without you ever knowing. It's the devil food because it's sneaky, tricky, and it just keeps tempting you. Although i'm quite sure rice krispy treats are one of the healthier baked goods, eating that much can't be good for me.