I wasn't going to do this, but then I HAD to...

Oct 26, 2008 00:53

Name: Tannis
A Felame name.
the best person in the world
i know a girl named tannis
she is, Amazing

Age: 24
24, The Jack Bauer Power Hour. The most entertainment you can stuff into a single day. Full of twists, turns, violence, and Elisha Cuthbert.
I had all kinds of work to do, but I decided to watch 24 instead.

Friend: Angie (also, there is no entry for Chrissi.)
Claims to be anti-social but is the exact opposite. Very beautiful and one of a kind personality. Has fun just about all the time and can make you laugh when you least expect it. Enjoys playing halo and can kick ass in Guitar Hero 3. Has amazing talents with her mouth and can do just about anything with it. Most spectacular/lovable person you could ever meet.

Should be doing: sleeping
To masturbate furiously in your room while praying that your grandma doesn't come in.
GET OUT GRANDMA! I was sleeping.
Those were sleeping noises grandma.

Colour: blue
The hue of the portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in a human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers.

Birthplace: St Boniface (no entry... looked up "Boniface" instead)
1. (verb) The act of burying a mayonnaise jar filled with marbles in your garden in an attempt to keep away vermin.

2. (noun) A person who believes that buried, strange objects ward off chipmunks, mice, moles, and other various creatures.
e.g 1. (verb) Those damn chipmunks are in for a surprise....I bonifaced them today!

2. (noun) My garden is vermin free because I am a boniface.

Last person spoken with: Mum
A word americans don't know how to spell

Also townies use the phrase 'your mum' as an insult
me: fuck off
Townie: your mum

Last beverage: Breezer
Breezer is an alcoholic drink, much adored by people often still under the drinking age. It is a mix of Bacardi Rum with lemon or another fruit juice.
In some chat channels, where the majority of visitors belongs to the breezer-addicts, it is 'cool' to talk BrEeZaH. It is a bit comparable to 1337-sp33k and can be identified by the use of capitals and other characters in places where they don't belong, and replacing characters with same sounding ones.

Beeing a BrEeZaH-person is often considered being lame, by people who have more than 1 brain cell.

I don't know in what way this BrEeZaH-thing is knwon world wide, but in the Netherlands it gets pretty annoying.
1. She's a BrEeZaH-tSjIk.
2. {{{{{HuGs}}}}}
3. PliEs LuF Mi (Please love me)

Nickname: super ma'am
super ma'am isn't defined yet.
[but I went ahead and defined it.]
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