Another one of these...

Jan 23, 2005 11:56

Name: Kai
Birthday: june 27th
Age 15
Hair Color red top, black tips(somewhat)
Eye Color: brown
Height 5'11"
::Right Now::
What are you wearing? Old school Marilyn Manson t-shirt, them crazy plaid pants, white socks.
What are you listening to? I was listening to Wolfsheims Kein Zurueck but now I'm listening to Daughter's Down by Kittie.
What are you thinking about? How I'm going to pass the chem midterm
How are you? all things considered, pretty good
::Have You Ever::
Kissed someone of the opposite sex? yes
Kissed someone of the same sex? yes, but I've never made out with a guy, although jacob and i have pretended to
done anything sexual with someone of the opposite sex? yes
what about the same sex? no
are you gay? no
are you bisexual? I would say no, but I'll just say I haven't met a guy i'm into
have you ever made out with someone? yes
where was your first time? Staircase in P.S.3
ever been to a concert? yes
met any famous people? How do you gauge fame? the only person I could really say is Marilyn Manson when I was about 4 or 5.
color- I like alot of colors, but I really like green-blues lately
drink- slurpee
season- summer
5 favorite TV shows:
1 Invader Zim
2 Headbanger's Ball
3 The Simpsons
4 Spongebob Squarepants
5 I don't actually watch tv.

5 Favorite Bands: (right this moment)
1 Mindless Self Indulgence
2 The Birthday Massacre
3 :wumpscut:
4 Atreyu
5 Avenged Sevenfold

5 Favorite Songs: (of the last few days)
1 Cradle of Filth~Absinthe with Faust
2 Mindless Self Indulgence~Backmask!
3 Bleeding Through~Love Lost in a Hale of Gunfire
4 Velvet Acid Christ~Velvet Pill(Jagged Scar Mix)
5 Atreyu~Bleeding Mascara

Favorite Actor? Edward Norton.
Actress? I'm not really sure

5 Favorite Movies:
1 12 Monkeys
2 Dr. Strangelove
3 Brazil
4 The Matrix
5 Pulp Fiction

Favorite Concert you've ever been too? Lamb of God with Children of Bodom or Marilyn Manson(The second time with S.T.U.N.)
Favorite Guitar player? Don't make me choose
bassist? Les Claypool
drummer? Adrian Erlandsson
Lyric writer? Geoff Rickly

Got a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
Who was your last boyfriend/girlfriend? Lara Novic
what about before him/her? Alair Micocci
and before him/her? Kirstine Jungkurth
and before that one? Nothing real, as I was rather young prior to that.
have you ever been in love? Can you ever really know? I'm guessing, yes, I have.
Perfect Guy/Girl? I'll know when I meet them and promptly reject them. Perfection is inherent flaw.
height? I don't think it really matters.
Age? Not younger than me by more than a year. Not older than me by more than two.

::Desribe your...::
Room - cluttered, with walls I painted myself using spraypaint and oil paints. Posters and random clippings and drawing adorn the left wall as a futile attempt to cover up the huge window to the next room. You can tell it's pretty much just where I sleep.
Tooth Brush-I don't want to get up to look at it.
parent's car- We don't have a car
hair- Black and red, fucking long, it consists mostly of conditioner as the real hair was bleached into non existence.
favorite shirt- My new Lamb of God shirt, with pigheads and crosses on the front and the lyrics to ruin on the back.
favorite pair of shoes- Combat boots, my stepdad stole them from the armory and didnt take them with him when he left home. That wasnt really a description.

best girl friend: Nixxi Straight
At school: probably Natalie Chomet
best guy friend: J
At school: Jack
funniest: Samm(Yes, jew sam, Jack)
prettiest: Probably Jack, but he's the biggest asshole to so it's a trade off. lol
hottest: Don't make me choose.
smartest: I don't hang out with smart people. (lol. what's that, Bronx Science?)
You talk to on the phone most: Jack
You talk to online: Devin, or Milo
You spend the most time with: Jack
last you saw: Milo
lives closest to you: Jack
lives farthest from you: J
you met through someone else: I met Devin through Milo, or Bam depending on who's telling the story. Bam through Cece.
you havent seen in a really long time: I guess they're not my friends any more.
you lost: LucyFer, I miss her like crazy. Haley too.
last person's house you were at: Jack's
last person you had at your house: Milo
biggest asshole: Jack. But that doesnt say much seeing as all the really big assholes are people I don't consider my friends.
makes you happy: They all make me pretty happy, but Nixxi especially
makes you sad: Alair, but rarely
pisses you off: Mmrko on occasion
newest friend: I'm not sure

5 major obsessions:
1 H.R. Giger
2 Aaron Alexovich
3 Marilyn Manson(it's over now)
4 Japanese things
5 Jhonen Vasquez

what's something no one knows about you? I'm gonna go for a Jack style answer and say: I LOVE DICK
Who would you "do" tomorrow if you could? Talena Atfield lmfao
Who do you hate? Niggas. Just kidding. I hate Bonnie Prince Billy
Have you ever masturbated? Not as I recall, but I'm told babies masturbate.
been to 2nd? yes
been to 3rd? yes
done the.. "do" ? What the fuck does that mean!? I'll just assume it means what I think it does and say yes.

::More Have You Evers::
crowd surfed? yes, I love it
got caught in a mosh pit? I put myself there, they didnt catch me
cheated on someone? yes
had someone cry over you? yes, hasnt everyone?
broken up with someone? yes
kissed a random stranger? Valerie, you cunt

who's the last person that you broke up with? Lara
are you a guy or a girl? I'm a fountain of blood in the shape of a boy.
do you play an instrument? yes
are you bored? your existence should imply this
Do you have to pee: not really
What's your favorite word? cunt, or malicious
whats the last thing someone told you that made you feel special? Words are bullshit.
favorite picture? photograph? The one of the droves of children walking to BS in the rain. Painting? Chider Grun
favorite phrase? I'm not sure.
favorite quote? It's a long one, I'll put it up later.
how many people are on your buddy list? 153
what's you screen name? scrmrmantis
email address?
are you horny? no
who's screenname do you laugh at when they sign on? Binaca
who do you reaaaaaally wanna talk to right now? Kali
last vacation you went on? Costa Rica
you favorite relative: My uncle Carlos or my Aunt Stephanie
how long have you been online? 1 hour, 8 minutes
went to the orthodontist: yes
do you have mail? not right now
do you like getting mail? not particularly
do you get mail often? no
favorite magazine? Outburn
favorite letter? Que?
any scars? so many, all on the arms, but theyre fading now.
worse physical injury? I don't get hurt badly ever. I have to say getting hit by a car, twice was unpleasant. Stupid three floors of ska.
worse emotional injury? noone's topped Kirstine.
any disorders? Manic Depression.
favorite holiday? I don't know, christmas because we get so much time off.
favorite flower? tulips(are better, lmfao, all of this is only funny if you're jacob.)
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