they fall together

Aug 10, 2014 20:46

title: they fall together
pairing: kyungsoo/jongin
length: 1.2w
rating: G [fluff!]
summary: The last thing Kyungsoo expects when he walks into his his apartment is Kim Jongin lying on the floor. a.k.a Jongin trying really hard at getting Kyungsoo's attention and not succeeding

an: this whole thing was literally typed up on twitter, from a back and forth convo from raihah and i--all because of this. and so starts our kaisoo project, rai draws, i write (although i can't say the whole thing was thought up by me, eg. !!!)

Part 1

As if work wasn’t hard enough, the last thing Kyungsoo expects when he walks into his apartment is a full 182 centimetres of Kim Jongin lying on the floor.

Don’t get Kyungsoo wrong, Jongin can be-sensual… at times, when he wants to be. And usually Kyungsoo’s pretty good at going along with it. The sweater Jongin’s wearing also, does not help at all. But Kyungsoo is not so into it when he’s just come back from a grueling day of writing papers for hours.

“Hey Soo,” Jongin grins slyly.

Kyungsoo sighs inwardly, loosens his tie, “Jongin get up,” and walks past.

From the corner of his eye he sees Jongin frowning. He looks like a cute stricken puppy, but Kyungsoo really just wants to lie down on the couch and never get up. As he’s almost out of the room, two hands grab at his ankle.

“Kyungsoo,” Jongin whines.

Kyungsoo tries his hardest to keep his eyesight forward but it’s really hard when Jongin is tugging at his leg. He turns his head to see Jongin sprawled over the hardwood floors.

“Jongin,” he groans. “Those floors are dirty, get up!”

Jongin looks up at him slyly. “I’m dirty.”

Kyungsoo stills long enough for Jongin’s eyes to turn wide. He pokes his boyfriend’s ankle once, twice… three times.

Kyungsoo pulls out of his grip and walks to an opposite closet, only to hear another set of feet chase after him. He opens the closet door, grabs out a broom and turns around to give it to Jongin.

“Here you go.” He says and opens Jongin’s fingers for him. The poor boy looks so confused it takes all of Kyungsoo’s might to keep a straight face. He grips Jongin’s hands around the broom.

“Clean yourself up then, and then the floor while you’re at it.” He can’t say he’s not enjoying it though, as Jongin pads off slowly. They’d been together for years and Kyungsoo still couldn’t resist the younger. Jongin was overly persistent which was probably the sole reason Kyungsoo agreed to go out with him for the first time. They were only a year apart, but sometimes it felt like Kyungsoo was looking after a child. Despite Jongin’s seductive aura, he was exactly like a little kid.

Looking at him now, Kyungsoo knows he won’t stay put for long. Jongin’s lazily cleaning the ground-barely swiping the broom over the hardwood floor. His heads down with a sad frown planted on his face. Kyungsoo had to give props to Jongin for trying at least-he had never been anything less than perfect for Kyungsoo and whether Jongin knew it or not, it was these kinds of acts from Jongin Kyungsoo loved most about him. Immature Jongin with a baby pout and locks of hair covering his eyes. He stubbornly tries to blow it away but it doesn’t work. He was hopeless, but he was Kyungsoo’s hopeless and no matter how long they would be together he would never, ever, be able to resist it.

He waits until Jongin’s back is facing him before he creeps over quietly. His waist is slim but warm in Kyungsoo’s arms. Jongin jumps a little in surprise at Kyungsoo’s arms wounding around his torso. Kyungsoo presses a light kiss to the nape of Jongin’s neck and although he can’t see him, he knows he’s smiling. He kisses Jongin’s shoulder this time, taking in how much skin is open, on show to him. He turns Jongin around, his arms still fit snugly around the younger’s waist. Like he knew, Jongin is smiling his irresistible smile. It’s adorable-he’s adorable and-

“Can we still-“


Jongin’s voice is quiet but still has a layer of mischievousness to it. It’s unbelievable how much he persists. It’s like he never stops and Kyungsoo’s not finished being equally annoying.

“Nope.” He’s blunt, smacks Jongin’s butt and walks away again, this time, to the kitchen.

“I guess that means there’s a next time?” Jongin’s voice is high, hopeful, but his grin is too certain, too sly. Kyungsoo breathes audibly and keeps walking. He waits for it… waits for it…

And Jongin’s feet chase after his.

“Jongin I said no,” he states clearly as he looks through the fridge for a drink.

“I know, but-“

He gets out a bottle of beer and turns around to Jongin’s face right next to his. Literally right there.

“I JUST REALLY LOVE YOU” Jongin blurts out. As much as he lives with the weird kid, Jongin is really, really weird and Kyungsoo’s can’t do anything but stare at his boyfriend strangely.

After a good few minutes Jongin looks down at his feet, puffing out sadly. “Don’t you love me?”

Kyungsoo frowns fondly. “Don’t be silly,” he sighs sharply and turns away. He sets the bottle on the counter. As soon as his arm is down, Jongin is tugging on it. He pulls Kyungsoo around and behold, Kim Jongin is doing none other than pouting. Pouting really big and really cute. Kyungsoo knows he’s doing it on purpose. He knows Jongin knows he can’t push the latter away when he’s being like this. He turns his back to Jongin again but Jongin keeps tugging and he can’t help it, he’s always been soft when it comes to his stupid boyfriend.

“Of course I love you,” he mumbles quietly, his back still facing Jongin.

Jongin is probably the amused one now. “Did you say something?” He asks, the hint of playfulness overpowering. Kyungsoo has known Jongin so long now he knows what sentences sound like when Jongin is grinning. This is most definitely one.

So he just shrugs his shoulders and speaks quietly again, “probably.”

He knows Jongin heard him. He knows Jongin is smiling to himself because the second later he’s the one wrapping Kyungsoo in a hug. No matter how hard Kyungsoo tries break free, Jongin won’t let him. Jongin is taller than him and stronger than him and just bigger than him in general. Eventually Kyungsoo just gives up, turns around and lets Jongin hug him like that. This is what Kyungsoo really needed after a long day; Jongin’s broad shoulders and his chest acting as a pillow. They’re in a kind of weird position and one of Kyungsoo’s arms is a little squished between the both of their bodies but it’s so much more than comforting. Jongin is all he needs and wants. So they stay there for a long time, in the middle of their kitchen, a beer bottle unnoticed and getting warmer beside them.

That’s until Jongin shuffles his feet a little below him.

“Soo?” He whispers, his breath blowing a tiny patch of Kyungsoo’s hair.

“Yeah?” Kyungsoo smiles-whispers back.

“Can I have a kiss?” And it takes all of Kyungsoo’s willpower not to melt, to bring Jongin closer, because why would he even have to ask? Jongin is so gorgeous and he’s all his, all his.

Kyungsoo pretends to think about him. “Hmm,” he rumbles and Jongin laughs, shakes his head and leans in to kiss him regardless. Usually, Kyungsoo can resist him but right now he can’t even be bothered.

Part 2

t: they fall together, p: kai/kyungsoo, laurai 2k14, r: g

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