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Compiled are prompts I am going to write. You may request prompts but there are no guarantees as to whether they will be fulfilled or not. However, if it's on the list, that means I will write it at some obscure point in time.
invadeddreamsPairing: Jongin/Kyungsoo/Sehun
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: cheerleader!au; s e x times
Name: Penny
Pairing: Jongin/Kyungsoo; ft. possible minor pairings: Minseok/Luhan; Baekhyun/Wufan; Joonmyun/Jongdae; Tao/Sehun
Prompt: greenpeace!au Jongin just wants to thank that cute sunbae that helped him find his class, but he ends up joining a club that's more passionate about getting into sunbae's pants more than they are about saving the planet. (Jongin is in the right club.)
lababoreinePairing: Jongin/Luhan
Prompt: milkman!au Tracy is going to one day attempt to revive the fic that Reine claims brought her to writing for exo fandom.
Name: Sora
Prompt: Sexy Times
Name: Christine
maifeverPairing: Sehun/Luhan
Rating: pg-15
Prompts: hs!au Sehun and Luhan are misfits who find solace in each other.
boozeandyogurtPairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol or Jongin/Kyungsoo, Baekhyun/Chen, or Baekhyun/Kyungsoo
Rating: pg-17
Prompts: smtg porny but sweet. snowy cabin weekend getaway porn?
eexieePairing: Wufan/Jongdae
Prompt: write me cute morning snuggly krischen with kris' voice cracking and chen laughing at him
tripmeePairing: Wufan/Joonmyun
Prompt: het!krisho office!au
jesstoast Pairing: Joonmyun/Jongdae
Prompt: office au, annnnd… jongdae shamelessly flirting w/ joonmyun all the time??
* I have two pending EFS fics that I am not adding to the list.
* I have one pending ERF fic that I am not adding to the list.
Updated: 27 April 2014
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Pairing: (Person/Person)
Spot: Y/N