[EN] AKG's concert in Paris - Report

Jun 04, 2013 17:26

Hello everyone !
I did not write for such a long time ! But I am back and I want to talk about the amazing concert I saw in Paris.
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION made an European Tour and stopped by London, Paris and Cologne. I was able to go to their gigs in Paris. They played at the Bataclan the 2nd of June 2013.

With my friends we went to the Bataclan at 4PM, the door openned at 6PM and when we arrived many peoples were already there. Some of them were there from 1PM waiting for the best places. The doors openned and we decided to got upstair to have a better view of the stage. We found one of the best spot ! I was able to see the four member and stand to dance and clap without worries.

The concert started later than announced maybe around 7PM. I was surprised by the first song, I did not know this one : 新世紀のラブソング/Shinseiki no love song. But right after I get back on my feet with Magic Disk, even if I could not get the tittle back then.
This is the setlist :
  1. 新世紀のラブソング / Shinseiki no love song
  2. マジックディスク / Magic Disk
  3. 暗号のワルツ / ANgou no Waltz
  4. サイレン / Siren
  5. Re:Re:
  6. N.G.S.
  7. ワールド ワールド ワールド / World World World
  8. ノーネーム / No Name
  9. ナイトダイビング / Night Diving
  10. 月光 / Gekkou
  11. 十二進法の夕景 / Jyuuni Shinhou no Yukei
  12. 転がる岩、君に朝が降る / Korogaru Iwa kimi ni asa ga furu
  13. ブルートレイン / Blue Train
  14. 遥か彼方 / Haruka Kanata
  15. 羅針盤 / Compass
  16. ループ&ループ / Loop & Loop
  17. リライト / Rewrite
  18. 君という花 / Kimi to iu hana
Encore :
  1. ソラニン / Solanin
  2. アネモネの咲く春に /Anemone no saku haru ni
Encore 2 :
  1. それでは、また明日 / Soredewa, Mata Ashita
During the concert the band gave us their best. It was really amazing. They had such a good and beautiful energy that you can stop enjoy the show. The had "それでは、また明日 / Soredewa, Mata Ashita" at the very end ! The lights was not plan, they just sang it for us one more time. And which song ! I did not know about Naruto but just the PV is awesome and the song really great.

After the concert a read an interview about AKG and learned that before the concert Goto Masafumi, the leader and singer, was not sure about his voice. But he sang with all his hearth, and when I though back to the show it was impossible to know about his voice... I also learned about the magazine that they decided to publish, and what they though about the actual situation in Japan concerning the energy and the Tsunami. I was so impressed by what Goto Masafumi said that I felt sorry to have been so ignorant since this day...

But I guess that I am really happy to have been able to see them !
The concert was sold out and I know that some people could not see them in such good condition...

Poll Asian Kung-Fu Generation

kaigan, Concert/ライブ

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