Jun 05, 2007 01:32
What's even more astonishing than the fact that so many people today are still horribly racist is the fact that so many people don't find it to be that big of a deal. What I mean is not someone hearing someone saying something racist and not thinking of it as negative, but hearing someone call someone a nigger or spic and thinking "well I'm not black/Mexican so it has nothing to do with me" and to just carry on with their day. So maybe what's really astonishing is how apathetic people can be, but then again that's only a small grain of an example from a large mound of sand. This whole country is based on apathy. I don't think I need to go into the reasons why and examples how. But, yeah, part of the reason why I've been so moody over the past three or four months is because I've been running into and overhearing so much blatant ignorance, racism and prejudice I'm really...dumbfounded when I think of it. I'm not surprised, as if I thought that racism is really next to non existent like some media outlets would like people to believe. It just further strengthens my resolve in that we are doomed as species and our civilization will only continue to crumble from here without any hope of repair because we still can't fucking learn to tolerate one another. More than anything I'm becoming increasingly distrustful of "other people". I'm definitely not as friendly as I was (as if I ever really was..). However, I don't feel like I should only spend my time with other black people now because black people are just as racist as any other group. So now my trust in people waning severely, even the friends I consider "close" to me. It's more stress I don't need in my life, but this is definitely and obviously a major factor of living today so I just have to deal with it and keep walking, no matter how hard that may be...