Title: The Moment I Stepped Inside (Your World)
Pairing(s): TaoKai, side pairings: SeHo, BaekChen
Rating: PG
Length: 17382
Summary: Jongin has the worst luck with technology and Zitao has never seen a customer come in on a weekly basis.
Author's Note: First of all, thank you, mods, for holding this fest and being so understanding and helpful! To the prompter, I hope you enjoy this and that it lives up to your prompt! This is the second fest I've signed up for, so it was definitely an adventure. To my beta, K, thank you so much for putting up with me and helping me with this. Without further ado, I hope everyone enjoys this!
This story has been posted on our Dreamwidth mirror due to its length.Please go over, enjoy, and come back to this post to leave some lovely comments!