Title: The Story Of Us Pairing: Jongin / Chanyeol (mentioned side ChenHun) Rating: PG-13 Length: 10,814 words Warning(s): [Please click to open.]age gap (Chanyeol is 7 years older), pining, and all the clichés Summary: Coffee shop!au. Songwriter Chanyeol has a crush on the part-time barista who works in the cafe across the road from his apartment. Author's Note: Much love and thanks to the Mods for their outstanding kindness! A shoutout to my sprint buddies for keeping me company during the writing of this fic. I could not have finished this without you! To the prompter, I think this may have turned out fluffier than you wanted but I hope you like it, anyway! The lyrics that appear in the final scene of the fic are “borrowed” from Amy Ray’s Lung of Love.