
Jan 28, 2007 23:02

One of, if not the first fantracks of this pairing, I believe. Here you are, the shortest fantrack ever probably....


In cases such as these I'd like a hand
Don't wake me up without a master plan
With silence I'm becoming fragile
Don't you understand?
When things that once were beautiful
Are bland

And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us

In truth there is no better place to be
Than falling out of darkness still to see
Without a premonition
Could you tell me where we stand?
I'd hate to lose this light
Before we land

And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us

Before we let euphoria
Convince us we are free
Remind us how we used to feel
Before when life was real

And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us

While I will admit that this song can be applied to multiple couples, including my first obsession (Ichigo and Rukia) the sadness within it and the feeling of seeking sanctuary makes this the ultimate Kaien and Rukia theme, for me at least. Though we get only a glimpse of the young man named Shiba Kaien, we can gather he is made of morality, good humor, human kindness, and human error-this would be weakness in general, though his weakness to himself is not the same as we readers perceive it, surely. To him, his flawed nature stems from his impulsive and passionate side, the one that dies for his honor rather than lives for the sake of mere life, though any life but his own would not be considered mere to him. Kuchiki Rukia has spent her life searching for the type of kindness that Kaien openly grants her, and not only gives to her plainly, but also in a way that is not intimidating to her.

Renji, who knows he cares for her-more so than perhaps he should-and in knowing, pushes her away in his own confusion and wish to give her what she wants-a family in Kuchiki Byakuya’s household-by letting her go. Byakuya keeps her at a safe distance to protect, let’s face it, not only her, but himself as well; his own emotions cannot go ignored in this case, else we consider him heartless when truly he is quite the opposite. None of these loves can be taken in by her, however. They are not on an open palm of a proffered hand. They are secrets, and thus, helpful to no one, least of all her.

She meets Kaien though, and that compassion, that human ordinariness of feeling “nice” when in the presence of someone you care about as well, that possession of peace becomes hers for the first time. He smiles at her, laughs with her, makes her smile, startles her, brings her things, gives her his time, consciously. She provides for him that ideal piece of heart: the part to protect, even in considering he has a wife, I’d like to consider that in the snippet we got of Miyako, she seems to be the dominant one: more in control, wiser most likely, and strong enough that Kaien’s options in protecting her would be limited, hence his inability to be there to do just that thing when she faces the hollow and is slain. She was, maybe, too strong for him, which isn’t to say she wasn’t good for him. He loved her, of that I have no doubt. But I think he loved Rukia as well, I think she gave to him what he desired, what many young men desire-fictitious or not-in life: someone special, someone who is yours to love, yours to argue with and open their eyes, yours to defend with your own honor and strength, someone to have at your side because that is the only place the world can see them at.

If they lack for something, they provide it for each other in their meeting and even in their passing, but “The Light Before we Land” seems to capture those most serene moments with them sitting on grassy banks, side-by-side, stealing glances at each other, and thinking about the uncertainty of the future, and how nice it is, for once, to have one facet of that future be a little more sure than before.

The Light Before We Land: track one



…so…Kaien’s death…right. It’s…probably one of the most heartbreaking scenes so far, for me. I cry every time I read it, because to me, this is the first person Rukia has allowed herself to love. Note I do not say: the first person to love Rukia. No, of course Renji does, and I believe, from the very beginning, Byakuya loves her as well, if in an entirely different dimension of conflict about it than his assistant captain.

She has experienced “ordinary”…she has found “just what I’d been looking for.”

The fact that she is forced to not only give that up in such a comparatively short span of time for a shinigami, the fact that she has never known a feeling as intense as this one but she will be faced with another emotion of the same degree: guilt…this added to the rain just shatters things for me in a masterful way. Kaien, loosely, says “Thank you, now I can leave my heart behind” or the like. It’s, to me, as if he is saying: go on living; I’ll be with you. Of course he feels horrible about the situation he has put her in. It’s here that I became pretty much certain, personally, that he loved her, not in a sisterly way or a friend way, but a romantic one. Yes, he had Miyako, and to many, he ‘died for her’ but that last one doesn’t sit right with me. To me, he is made of sterner stuff than that, which is to say that though he was impulsive, hot headed, etc, he wouldn’t so vulgarly put, ‘die for her’. In fact, he probably knows she would want what he asked of Rukia: for him to live on. Instead he is taken over-shame one-and must be killed by the girl who loved him most probably-shame two and eternity here we come.

In this rain scene, I feel heartbreak from both sides also, which is why I think they both felt for each other, even though they never acted on it, Rukia admiring Miyako to the point of ‘wanting to be her’ and Kaien watching Rukia without saying anything sometimes (I’d post the frames but I’m lazy). Likely, he doesn’t quite understand how he could have fallen in love twice, simultaneously no less. Likely, she doesn’t know what to make of his parting words and can only focus on her guilt and the feeling of being irreversibly stained with blood.

Where life and death mingle, and the rain sets the tone, we all know Tite associates it with sadness and regret. I also see struggle, desperation, fear, and longing…longing for what you could never have, could never change no matter how much you wanted to…the inability to interfere, if you will, with fate and what was already set in motion.

Dragon’s Wish” feels this way to me.


Now what am I supposed to do
When I want you in my world
How can I want you for myself
When I’m already someone’s girl?

First time that I saw you boy
It was a warm and sunny day
All I know is I wanted you
I really hoped you looked my way
When you smiled at me
So warm and sweet
I could not stay
You make me feel like a itty-bitty girl
What do you do to me

Now what am I supposed to do
When I want you in my world
How can I want you for myself
When I’m already someone’s girl?
Now what am I supposed to do
When I want you in my world
How can I want you for myself
When I’m already someone’s girl?

I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
No hard feelings
I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
I’m gonna be there

Your energy, feels so damn good to me
It picks me up don’t wanna come down
You got me spinning all around
You need to know
I’ve got that somebody
You’re beautiful
But it ain’t that kind-a party now

Now what am I supposed to do
When I want you in my world
How can I want you for myself
When I’m already someone’s girl?
Now what am I supposed to do
When I want you in my world
How can I want you for myself
When I’m already someone’s girl?

Well I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
Baby well be butterflies
I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
That sounds so divine

I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
I guess I will now
I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
Wait, wait a little while

See it ain’t nothing wrong with dreaming
Boy don’t get me wrong
Cause every time (every time) I see you (every single time)
I know just how strong (every single time)
That my love is for my baby
But emotions just don’t lie
Well I know I’m a lot of woman
But not enough to divide

I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
You know I want to stay around
I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
I’m so confused now

Now what am I supposed to do
When I want you in my world
How can I want you for myself
When I’m already someone’s girl?

I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
I’m going to be there
I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
I’m going to look for you

Now what am I supposed to do
When I want you in my world
How can I want you for myself
When I’m already someone’s girl?

I guess I’ll see you next lifetime
Oh baby
I’m gonna be there
I’m gonna be there

There isn’t a lot of explanation needed for this. I feel even though clearly this is a girl singing, it applies to both Kaien and Rukia, Kaien of course in the sense of being taken, and both of them in the sense of hoping for a ‘next time’ since obviously things aren’t happening/didn’t happen in this life.

It’s sad and hopeful and sweet and smooth…and it’s a promise!

“I’m gonna be there”?

I think they mean it.

Maybe next lifetime.......

Let me stay with you even if it hurts both of us
Why must I always demand so much
Don't you know my heart could never stay put
There's simply only one love I want

Believing in miracles we can come across
I go on playing a melody for you
Even if I end up losing everything
This feeling is forever, It's my truth

Believe in yourself even when you stumble
Wipe your tears as you walk on
Open up your heart beyond the memories, surely
There is a hope we call tomorrow

Give me your loneliness
And I'll give you my tenderness
Don't forget the dream we saw that day
Even if we're separated, in this heart
I will feel you forever, It's my truth

Your whisper reaches the scattered stars
Illuminating my confused heart
In every encounter and farewell, what people search for is
This strong bond that will unite them someday

All the sadness throughout the world
If it's for you, I can take it all in
Even if the whole world deserts me
I believe in those eyes, It's my truth

There are a lot of songs that remind me of Kaien and Rukia, but this one had to show up for a number of reasons that would simply be reiteration at this point. Suffice to say the lyrics suit them and Yuna’s voice makes me quiver with sadness (and OMG WHOA-ness.) Sometimes it makes me cry.

Those eyes......


Well painted passion
You rightly expect
The dumbing down of love
Jaded in anger
Love underwhelms you
No box of chocolates
Whichever way you fall
And if I tell you
Lover alone without love
What will happen
Lover alone without love
Will you listen
Lover alone without love
No, no I’ll get this
I want to treat you
You're still not famous and you haven't struck it rich
Cos no-one's receiving
This tunnel vision
Is turning out all wrong
Music is worthless unless it can make a
Complete stranger break down and cry
And if I tell you
Lover alone without love
What will happen
Lover alone without love
Will you miss him?
Love alone without love
Without love
Without love
Without love

This is one song for both Rukia and Kaien, but as separate entities. I feel like these are doubts, concerns, questions that readily apply to both of them and the turmoil of emotions that we can see twisting in their hearts at different points in the story.

What will happen?



A relatively, or at least comparatively upbeat, short instrumental piece! Utada had to be somewhere on this list and Eclipse is way underrated. I love the echo of her voice and it has a sort of peaceful feeling to it, but also similar to the calm before the storm. You can make ONE guess as to where I’d hear this playing in the Kaien/Rukia arc-well to some it isn’t long enough to be an arc, but since I see it as a definitive part of what shaped Rukia into who she is, I am calling it an arc. DEAL WITH IT <3

"....but....ordinary was just what I'd been looking for..."


We met in middle school
And shared a hundred year love
Beneath the gently fluttering
Cherry blossom petals

I wanted to meet you and ran through
Sun-touched sudden hills and
The corners of the park…
Our shadows remain even now

You and I, and the cherry blossom weather
We dance, blown by the wind
Holding in my heart
A future I can still see
We’ll gaze at the peach colored sky

This is gorgeous, sad, wonderful, timeless, and filled with the sound of “ending” to me. It seemed appropriate for the end of this fantrack, which by the way I know is short, but hopefully the accuracy of these songs and the prettiness of them will redeem me!

A hundred year love.

End note: will make another one....when having time to do so. This was mostly born of compulsion and NEED rather than logic because I don't ACTUALLY have the time for this fan-stuff.....BUT I AM OWNED by it so it's not like I have a choice! Haha...

<3 spread the love of the comm. please and thank you!


kaien, rukia, obsession, kaienruki, music, fantrack, rukikaien, lyrics

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