The Shock Of Love or Whatever [part 2/?]

Oct 13, 2010 00:25

Title: The Shock Of Love or Whatever Part 2/? Also known as: PINEAPPLE FIC
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/People: Just Pinto for now, others if you squint.
Word count: 1,304
Author: kaidoh_kitty
A/N: Wow, this took a long time to write.

Iiiiiiiiin Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania born and raised
In the drama room, is where he spent most of his days
Chillin, relaxin, he was all fine. He thought, "One day I'll be bffs w/ Chris Pine"
When CPine and his goons, who were up to no good, started knocking Zach around the neighbourhood
He got in one little fight and JJ got scared he said, "AY DIOS! MIS PINAS!" and "Get out of here!"
He whistled for Matt and Anton came near, he had Simon on his right and Karl at his rear
If anythin’ he could say this crew was rare but he thought ‘Naw, they’re awesome.’ “Come on, let's fight there"
They rolled up to his crew of about seven or eight and yelled to the boys, "yo, dicks, back up haters"
He looked at his conquest, he was finally there, he sits on his throne Princess Whitelaw is there

Chapter 2

Gentle sobbing could be heard from outside. Matt had seen the whole thing and followed Zach to comfort him. “Come on, man. You have to come out of there sometime, you’re making Sas worry!” The half-Mexican was frowning behind him, clutching a crushed pineapple and whispering sweet nothings to it. Matt rolled his eyes and pounded on the door again just as it opened, making him stumble in front of his depressed friend. “Atta boy!”

Zach took a look around and saw JJ Sas, ‘that crazy half-Mexican’ he thought. Shaking the image of the trembling adult out of his mind, he looked back at his new friend. “Sorry, it’s been a rough day.”

Matt patted his back. “It’s okay, it happens to the best of us." He flashed the type of smile that seemed to be backed by principal JJ’s flare crew: Bryan, Roberto and Alex. Alas, they were not present. Matt knew, he had checked. “Why are you so worked up? He does this all the time, doesn’t he?”

Zach sniffled. “Yeah…”

“Then suck it up!” Matt said with a playful punch. Zach rubbed his arm and Matt laughed, blue eyes glimmering.

The eyes. They were so much like Chris’. Zach’s own started to water again as he ran back into the bathroom and slammed the door. “Zach! Oh, come on!”

“Leave me to steep in my own tears!” Came the muffled response.

“Now you’re just being melodramatic!”

“Damn straight!”

“You wish.” Came the smarmy voice of Zach’s paramour. Matt hadn’t seen him approach.

“Go away, you smelly jock.”

“Ouch. That hurt. I thought we were friends, Matt.”

“Go fuck your whores.”

“Yeesh, I just wanted to apologize to Zach.” Sniffling could be heard from behind the bathroom door.

“Make him go away, Matt!” Zach whined.

“I’m trying but he wants to apologi-“ before Matt could finish the door swung open and the previously saddened youth sauntered out.

His tears had turned into rage. “Chris, after all the things you’ve done to me I don’t even want to look at you. How dare you apologize to me. You’ve been doing this since I met you a few years ago. Get the stick out of your ass and just learn how to be civilized and accepting of other people. You don’t have to like me, just leave me alone.”

Chris was taken aback. “Woah, man. Chill out, I was just teasing.”

“Just teasing>?” Zach took a menacing step forward. “If you were just teasing you would have stopped by now. Seriously, what is your problem?” He huffed as he clenched his fists, ready to strike.

Chris wasn’t afraid. On the contrary, he was getting excited. “The problem is you, Queento.” He got closer to his behated. “What’re you gonna do about it?”

Zach’s eyes widened in what he thought was a threatening gesture as he took yet another step closer to Chris. At this point they were practically on top of each other. Chris snarled and before Zach could open his mouth to talk Matt grabbed Zach’s shoulder and pulled him back.

“Hey, get a room you two.” He laughed. Zach shrugged off his arm before Chris switched his attention to the intruder.

“Hey, fag, you keep your pansy ass out of this.”

Matt lifted his hands in surrender. “I’m just saying, all this sexual tension is kinda smothering me.”

Zach was left to the side while Chris got ready to start something with Matt. “Just because you’re gay doesn’t mean everyone is. Keep your fucking disease away from me and all the other normal people around here. Keep with your own kind.”

“HEY! Do not talk to him like that. Look at yourself, you act like you’re so hot but, deep down, you’re just like us. You’re smart and you have a uh- rainbow soul, yeah. Hell, you have a double rainbow soul. That’s how much of a rainbow you are. You just can’t come to terms with it so it manifests like this. You need help.”

Chris’ jaw dropped, usually Zach was much less boisterous. Maybe he was manstrating? He read about that once. “Okay, fine. I’ll step off your little boyfriend,” The syllables leaked slowly from his mouth like a potent venom.

Every nerve in Zach’s body was being hit; every muscle was clenched taut and ready to lunge at Chris. He tried to keep his anger under control as to not wallop his underclassman, it wasn’t worth getting expelled over. “He’s not my boyfriend, we just met.” He instinctively threw up emotional shields in an effort to get his point across.

“Whatever, queer.”

That was all it took.

Zach had sprung and there was no way to stop it, his clenched fist reached Chris’ jaw before he even had a chance to think. The jock was knocked back a few paces but not enough to really shake him.

Chris rubbed at his cheek to make sure he wasn’t bleeding-- he wasn’t-- before he opened his big mouth. “That the best you got? You punch like a god damned girl.”

Zach’s blood boiled, as was typical of his heritage.

“Well, you would know,” came the ever so clever response from the very mature upperclassman.

“Whatcha tryin’ to say? That I get my ass kicked by girls?”

“Hey, he’s not as stupid as he looks!” Matt interjected. Zach rolled his eyes before slowly circling Chris like a wild animal on the prowl.

“Come on, Zachy-poo. Show me what you got.” Chris teased.

Before Zach’s drawn back fist could strike again, Karl, a foreign exchange student in Zach’s class, passed by.

“Hey, what’re you two fighting about?” He called from down the hall.

Zach’s fist went limp as he turned to face his classmate. “Uhhhh, nothing?” His face reddened in embarrassment.

“Zach was just being gay again.” Chris said plainly. Death glares were shot from Zach’s general direction.

This amused Karl greatly. “Is he now? Zach, haven’t we talked about this? Tsk, tsk.” Zach blinked. Had he even talked to him before?

“Uhhh.” A credit to his race, that Quinto boy.

Karl walked up and put his arm around Zach’s shoulders. “Didn’t I tell you to ignore him? He’s just jealous because you have a bigger dick than he does.” Shocked, Zach began to stutter. Karl laughed a hearty New Zealand laugh.

Seriously, what?

“I don’t really know wha-“

“There you are!!” Came the voice of one of Chris’ classmates. “Karl, I told you not to leave me. I got lost, damnit. Not cool, dude, not cool.” The annoyed youngin’s curls bobbed playfully on his head.

“Oh, sorry, Anton. I heard a fight and had to go check it out.”

Surveying the land Anton noted the fine specimen of man known as Matt hanging out in the background and gave him a quick wink. Karl, never missing a beat, rolled his eyes.
“Zach was just talking to Chris over here, isn’t that right?” There was a sharp tug at Zach’s shoulder. He felt like a dog with the way everyone kept correcting him.

“Y-yeah. I was leaving, though.”

Anton nodded before noticing Chris on the opposite side of Karl. “Hey, man! Is he giving you trouble?” Karl knew his little friend was chummy with Chris but he also knew Chris was a complete douche and someone needed to put him in his place.


“Sorry… Uh. Leave Zach alone!” Kids were so easy.

Chris, at this point, was extremely confused. “Don’t show your nasty faggy face near me again, Queento.” He called out before making a break for it. Screw it, he didn't need to waste time with these losers.

So what if Zach had a crew? He had a crew too. There was nothing some exchange student body-guard type and a little Russian could do against the whole football team.

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pairing: pinto, fanfiction

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