Aug 20, 2010 15:01

Title: Then Who Was Phone? Part 2/?
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/People: [In order of appearance] Chris Pine, littleboycalico, snoewhite, kaidoh_kitty, vapid_wastrel, running_hot, garden_hoe21
Word count: 1,544
Author: kaidoh_kitty and everyone mentioned within.
A/N: This is half a summary of the epic chat that went down a few nights ago and half a fanfic about Chris discovering PintoChat and telling Zach about it. Enjoy!

19:20 ChrisFine: i don't know why you guys are so persistent that is what we are doing

Somewhere his BA in English was weeping.

19:20 ChrisFine: i am interested in hearing your viewpoints
19:20 calico is done watcing white collar: chris, are you the little spoon?
19:21 snoewhite/kel: i think chris is getting forked

Chris could say any number of things to that but he decided to play it off as if he didn’t have any idea what the hell these girls-they were girls, right?-were talking about.

19:21 ChrisFine: forked?
19:21 calico is done watcing white collar: no, chris USED forks, and broke all of them
19:21 Anton was betrayed by the library: Oh yeah! Can you tell us about that?

Man, these chicks were nosy.

19:21 ChrisFine: oh. the silverware thing
19:22 ChrisFine: they were really old and the dishwasher was really rough on them

That was all, really. No matter what they said it had nothing to do with Zach. Ow.

19:22 calico is done watcing white collar: is the dishwasher a position i'm not familiar with?
19:22 V-V-Vaps :yeah how did the bed break?

He was beginning to regret that early morning interview.

19:23 RUNNING_HOT: i think the dishwasher would involve spinning in some way the average human is not physically capable of
19:23 snoewhite/kel: sit and spin it's not just a toy anymore
19:23 Anton was betrayed by the library: It would probably involve water sports.
19:23 calico is done watcing white collar: i imagine the dishwasher involved water? soap?

He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to stop talking just to take a break to breathe. Sure, these people were perverted but they were pretty damn hilarious.

19:24 ChrisFine: be right back ladies

They didn’t seem to miss him, they had more of their incredibly random conversations about things Chris would rather not think about. Oh man, wait until he told Zach about this place and the stuff they thought about their sex life! Not that they even had much of one now but that was neither here nor there.

Then his internet crapped out on him. “Oh, come on!” It did. He cracked his knuckles and licked his lips before he got back to typing. Apparently Zach had been there.

19:31 ChrisFine: Zach was here?
19:31 ChrisFine: he has been very busy with angels

Chris highly doubted Zach had been there and after checking the logs he noticed it was just Kel. Way to get him all excited and bring him down, PintoChat! He played along anyway.

19:31 ChrisFine: i am not surprised he didn't stay for long
19:32 calico is done watcing white collar: chris, you should fly out to see him now that your play is done

Maybe he should, probably not but maybe he should.

19:32 ChrisFine: calico, i don't think that would be a good idea

There was a small fight between the two right before Inishmore ended.

19:33 RUNNING_HOT: why wouldn't that be a good idea? you could have another of your strolling conversations or meetups in the park

Yeah, but all these sightings together started to seriously piss off their publicists. They were trying to keep it under wraps. Not to mention Andersoon Cooper would be angry…

19:33 RUNNING_HOT: or you could give him a goodbye kiss XD

Yeaaaaaaah… NO. Not in public, at least.

19:33 ChrisFine: we are not quite on friendly terms right now

It was somewhat true.

He ignored the chat until a link popped up.

19:34 ChrisFine: trek_rpf_kink?
19:34 RUNNING_HOT: it's not what you think
19:34 ChrisFine: what do i think it is running?
19:34 RUNNING_HOT: you tell me
19:35 calico is done watcing white collar: CHRIS, FOCUS. why are you and zach having a tiff?
19:35 V-V-Vaps: yeah why the tiff

Didn’t they ever give up? More ignoring it. He looked at the link. Hypothermia fic? What?

19:35 ChrisFine: interesting scenario
19:36 ChrisFine: hypothermia as a kink?


19:36 snoewhite/kel: you missed it last night chris we were writing leather pron about you and ZQ
19:36 ChrisFine: pron?
19:37 snoewhite/kel: i like a good fap
19:37 ChrisFine: fap?
19:37 Anton: Fapping is the sound a dude makes when he jacks off
19:37 ChrisFine: i take it pron is a term for ****
19:37 snoewhite/kel: pron is a large shrip
19:37 snoewhite/kel: shrimp
19:37 Anton: Prawn!
19:38 V-V-Vaps: NERO SHRIMP
19:38 Anton: Pron is a shrimp like orgy is a fish.
19:38 snoewhite/kel: hey anton fists shrimp
19:39 snoewhite/kel: fap is the sound of a shrimp being fisted


They asked him more questions. Blah blah blah.

19:40 V-V-Vaps: or a new waterbottle
19:40 ChrisFine:oh i've heard about this farce
19:40 ChrisFine: me and water bottle

Yes, farce. It was all very farcical.

19:41 snoewhite/kel/jesus: that was gauche

Oh, how fancy. Wait, now Snoe’s Jesus? Good thing he was agnostic.

19:41 ChrisFine: at snoe. i'm sorry my use of farce was gauche
19:42 snoewhite/kel/jesus: you are absolved of your sin, young master fine
19:42 snoewhite/kel/jesus: er pine

Chris was getting tired, it was hard to keep up with all this nonsense at the same time.

19:43 ChrisFine: i should perhaps go. i am feel like i am causing awkwardness. and not just with my bad usage of words (zach would be disappointed too)

19:43 RUNNING_HOT: you're not causing awkwardness!
19:43 V-V-Vaps: DO NOT LEAVE!
19:43 RUNNING_HOT: we're always like this

Damn, that Vaps was bossy. If they were always like that then it kinda made him want to leave more. Seriously, his head was starting to hurt. Too many colours.

What was this about not eating? Not cool, man, not cool.

19:44 ChrisFine: you should eat. i am tired of seeing women starve themselves
19:44 snoewhite/kel/jesus: speaking of chubby
19:44 Anton: Have you been eating, Chris?

A dangerous combination, those three were… Once again the SAV trio was on to him.

19:45 calico is done watcing white collar: chris, will you go to ny and have a pulled pork sammich with zach please?

He picked up his cell phone and quickly ordered a pulled pork sam-sandwich. He almost said sammich on the phone. Damn pinto chat. God, he was hungry now and that really sounded like a great idea, only problem was they were not on the friendliest terms.

Blahblahblah. Chris started being nice to Snoe, maybe take out the head of SAV. AV et all caught on immediately. Oh well.

19:47 V-V-Vaps: SO Christopher.

Heeeere we go!

19:48 V-V-Vaps: what's up?
19:48 snoewhite/kel/: so chris what does your nickname mean
19:49 V-V-Vaps: what are your thoughts on the nickname "Princess Whitelaw"?
19:49 Anton: Are we asking too many questions?
19:49 V-V-Vaps: no
19:49 ChrisFine: Princess Whitelaw?
19:49 V-V-Vaps yeah....

If he was any less of a man he would pout.

19:49 ChrisFine: what did i do to deserve this?
19:50 RUNNING_HOT: it's a term of endearment. we mean no mockery by it, only respect
19:50 V-V-Vaps: You are just so shiny and sparkly...and royal!
19:50 Anton: Stared in Princess Diaries 2 and had the missle name of Whitelaw. Also, what Hot said.
19:50 snoewhite/kel/: no honey i was talking about peen
19:50 Anton: *middle
19:50 RUNNING_HOT: it serves only to highlight your masculinity by contrast
19:50 garden, ho!: lawl, missile name
19:50 garden, ho!: from now on
19:51 calico is done watcing white collar: DID SOMEONE SAY PEEN?
19:51 garden, ho! chris's pe nis is the Whitelaw Missile
19:51 snoewhite/kel/: it's his nickname
19:52 ChrisFine: Whitelaw missile?
19:52 ChrisFine: i really don't know what to think about all this

On one hand, that was a fucking awesome name. On the other, they were naming Wee Thomas for him. Chris preferred Wee Thomas because it was ironic and his friends from Inishmore had nicknamed it that.

19:52 snoewhite/kel/: whitlaw is an awesome name
19:52 V-V-Vaps: its got to be pretty powerful


19:52 Anton: Chris, do you know when Star Trek filming starts again?
19:53 calico is done watcing white collar: chris, can you describe your favorite pair of louboutins? what color are they? peep toes?

…Fucking morning interview.

DINGDONG. Oh, yay! His sandwich was there. When he came back with his trusty sandwich in hand he got down to business and ignored the Louboutin question.

19:55 ChrisFine: ha i cannot give away star trek information
19:55 ChrisFine: JJ would have my head on a platter

Talking about JJ always leads to talk of lensflare, it’s just how things work.

19:58 ChrisFine: Zach and I once had a drinking game to Star Trek
19:59 ChrisFine: for every lens flare, one of us would take a shot
19:59 Anton: Who lost?
19:59 V-V-Vaps: were you drunk after the first scene?
19:59 calico is done watcing white collar: who got naked first, chris?

Who said they had clothes on? They were hanging out in their skivvies. Best way to watch Star Trek XI ever? Chris thought so.

19:59 ChrisFine: We stopped because we both passed out in the living room. Noah woke me up the rascal

And then there was that, yeah.

20:00 V-V-Vaps: who is noah staying with while ZQ is in NYC?


20:00 ChrisFine: do i have any questions for you guys?
20:00 ChrisFine: let's see...

Uhhhhhhhh. Hmmmmm… Ah!


pairing: pinto, pintochat, fanfiction

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