omg late update

Jul 10, 2006 12:13

Wow.. a lot has happened to say the least. Lets start from the day before we were going to be headed off to ac. We (me, hel, and hebe) had just talked to enterprise i belive and we stopped by the McDonalds to get some food. we were heading back to perimiter to take care of some last minute things. To get to perimiter we had to get on the 285 highway. To get on that we had to go under a bridge and turn left at the stop light. We had to green turn signal and began to turn on to the highway when bam! a car hit us on the right hand back door and we spun a 180 to face the exact opposite in which we were heading. Everybody was fine, no one got seriously injured just some aches and bruses. Me and the one that crashed into us both got tickets for not having proof of insurece, all i had on me was my registration and it had worked in the past... but appearenly not in a wreak. Anyway they towed off my car to the police impound and we got info and i have a court date on the 20th of july. We were not going to let this stop us from going to AC though.

Next day I had enterprice pick me up and gave them what they needed to let us rent the car and took it home, after a bit i decided to name it Kiba after the main character in Wolf's Rain, cause it was a white car and we were off to a furry con. I think it took 14 hrs to make it to the hotel.. i could be wrong. i just know i drove for a very long time and then went to sleep. We got lost a couple of time cause we didnt know about the numbers on the exits starting over agian after entering anouther state. But in the end we made it there safe and sound.

We got to the hotel and changed things up a bit. We took off a day from the hotel and got ourselves a 2 bedroom. After unpacking, washing and all that goodness we drove to where the con was... which was a fair distance from where we were staying. We got there and found out that there was nothing going to be going on the first day, it was just for registration.

The con was more then i could have ever asked for.... We got to hang out with mom, dad, pinku, and bonk. I meet Kigs which is a raven and we got to hang with him a bit here and there. We didnt get to hang with Matt Burt too much cause he was hanging with his crew, but that was alright with me, where i would have enjoied more of his company then what we did get i went to that con with the mission to hang out with mom and dad, and that was all i really wanted.

I made some money, but not as much as I could have if i didnt slack off.... i think i made about $120 and that was from the first day... i didnt get any of the badges complelty done till about the last day.... but i dont really regret it, im still trying to figure how much i can take and things like that. i think im going to do one badge at a time at MFM. get one finished and work on anouther.

I got drunk, it was rather fun. I dont know what scale of drunkness you would put me on, but id say i was drunk enough to enjoy it and i didnt throw up. I did wake up in the middle of the night and felt rather sick like i was going to throw up but i think it was dehidration and my body wanting more alchol.

I think thats about it for the con, except that dads a bastard and im going to get him back for it. I plan on doing that at MFM and getting to get more comfurtable with mom... maybe get her drunk and make her dance is on the agenda.. but we didnt go to any dances at AC so i dont know...

Anyway, we got back safe and sound and i got a cute german shepard plushy from wal-mart. oh yes and i got an art book from mom, hebe got the comic she was selling, and i got a comition from kigs. After we got back me and d broke up, it just wasnt working out, and we both have come to the conclution that he doesnt belong here. We ended it well and as friends, i plan on keeping in contact with him. We, as in sean, hel, hebe, d, and me moved into a 2 bedroom apartment... that was rather hell... more so for sean im sure, he had to pull a drier and a washing machine up to the second floor... i need to work out. bonk helped us out a lot too. Then of corse i had to deal with the car also, its been rather stressful and hacktic for all of us.

Well, i think that just about sums everything up. Till next time. Ah one more thing i am dropping Kaida all together, its something i thought i would do if i broke up with d so i went with it. Ive let Fenrir take her place. Another thing i thought i would share, i had a dream with me running away from a huge wolf, in which my mind auto matically asumed it was Fenrir. In the dream Fenrir ended up ripping the fleash clean off my right arm. dont know if it means anything or not, i figure its just my mind showing how i feel, that im letting Fenrir consume me if you will. i have been going though some weird mood swings lately. ive been getting angry and depressed for almost no reason. i give them reasons but im not sure the reasons i give them are right or its just been all this stress. i give the depression the reason that i miss mom and dad so much, however the anger im not so sertain of. its been calming down so i think it was just stress.... but i know for one thing im ready for anouther job.. i know thats kind of out of the blue but im getting agitated at work and i think its time to leave before it gets too bad.

Wow.. thats long... if you read all that and made it this far thanks for your time.
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