This PSY/American Deal

Dec 08, 2012 04:40

Of course since PSY is such a big hit all over the world, America just had to go and try to find dirt on the man.

It's late so this won't be long or very well put together. but

Fuck America. Fuck the society. Fuck the culture. Fuck the 'since you're successful but not american, we're gonna ruin your reputation' idea they have.

I have never been more ashamed to call myself an American.

All we do is shit all over other countries like we're so much better than them.

Yeah maybe he shouldn't have put those lyrics in his song but guess what EVEN IN AMERICA WE GET FREE SPEECH SO WHAT IN THE HELL.

Idk i'm so pissed right now. I can't even think straight.

Let's not think about why he would have those lyrics, let's just call him an anti-america satan-worshipping asian who doesn't deserve the dirt from the bottom of a shoe.

Let's not think back on the war he's talking about, let's just focus on the song.

Meanwhile, America can't get its own shit together, rapists and murderers and abusers are running free BUT WE CAN JUMP ON A FOREIGNER FOR PUTTING LYRICS IN A SONG FOUR FUCKING YEARS AGO

I am so sick of this country. There's no such thing as being genuinely happy for someone anymore. Everything is corrupted with greed and envy and hate and jealousy.

Going to bed fucking pissed.

Fuck you, America. Fuck you. 

psy, america, so fucking pissed, why we suck

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