Jan 26, 2006 16:02
I got an astonishing three hours of sleep today! Woohoo! I am going to crash so hard when I get home today. Right now I'm at Wes's and the poor baby can't wake up :( I feel bad about making him wake up in the middle of the day but no one else can take me. I seriously need to work on getting my liscense. And since he won't wake up I'm going to have to get mean and then he's gonna be pissed and sleepy.
Oh, woe is me, woe is me.
I've decided most women just aren't cut out to work like this. On average a woman can lift have her body weight while a man can lift twice his. I happen to know from experiance that when a woman is having a period come from the depths of hell she can life perhaps a notebook and a pen. Don't expect her to write anything though! You won't be able to read it due to all the shaking caused by blood loss and being over medicated and caffinated.
Men are right. Women are talkers. In the womb, a fetal boy will kick and squirm far more than a girl, while she has much more mouth movement. Women talk sooner. Back in the good old days of hunting and gathering, women gathered more than just food. The were the center of society, knowing all about what was happening in the fields, with others families, and with the men. I know, silly gosspie women, holding together the seams of society and the foundation of communication upon which our entire exsistence was built! Why do we have to be so god damn nosey?
But alas, here I am, barely making use of my gabbering gifts and doomed to spend the rest of my days trying to be a man. I am not a man. I am purely female and I want to be treated that way! Equal but absolutly different!
Now that I've finished my improptu eassay on how much I hate how women have to live I need to go wake Wes up.
Have a nice day. :D