Aug 14, 2005 01:22
sometimes i wonder wat the hell i'm doin here...i could have done all the same shit up in washington, except be wit my family trying to mend things together. i mean that was the main point of me coming down here but i dont kno. it's hard. i mean i dont talk to my parents about wat i'm thinking or even express how i'm feeling about them jus because i dont want to hear, see, experience how my parents may react. they already want me to change my name back for insurance purposes...there for i'm goin to be looking for a full time job...before school starts...i think. i'm jus hella lost right now. i dont kno wat to do. this gas station gig is lame...i hate working there. the same ole shit jus a different day. i jus really want to work somewhere there's a potential of growth. i mean lowes was cool cuz if i wanted to could have worked for a promotion. i jus didnt feel the passion dere. i'm goin into engineering/ business management for school but wat makes me think that i wont get bored of that too? i guess i do need someone who understands me and loves me for me around...wheither it's friends or a girl...but we all kno kai's a loser and dont date. so yes i miss my friends.