Nov 02, 2007 21:52
One year? Isn't that a bit excessive?
To say the least, everything has changed. I don't know how much of myself is the same was it was a year ago, but I'll can guarantee not much remains of that former Stan.
For starters I have been off of any medication for 4+ months. Quite the accomplishment, wouldn't you think? Considering I had been a steady user for 15+ years. As anyone would expect, it has affected my personality, but I don't think its been terribly detrimental.
I'm a graduate student at Tech now, which is surprising looking at my previous posts. Maybe I never really hated it here? Then again, I still can't decide how I feel about my research. I have been tossing around lots of ideas about my future, I'll be sure to clarify once things settle.
I don't have much time, flying to California on Sunday for an experiment, and I still have one homework and two lab reports to finish. Not to mention there is a design project hanging over my head that needs to be completed.
I'll send my love from California.
Always yours,