Woo, snow day! ::does happy happy dance:: How convenient is it that I get an extended day to finish all the homework that I procrasinated on? XD
Oh and
starlit_sea, you're the first official cousin to actually get a livejournal! Go you. XD
Writing Status: So Rachel and I talked about Project Schwarz the other day and why I'm so screwed up in writing this because everything up until the major plot is just in my opinion pathetic even though she liked what I wrote so far. >_>
As a result, I'm going to write a prologue and try to just redo the writing style that I used before because I don't think that it flowed smoothly. Working on this since 4th grade is not going to stop me. Well technically, I've been plot lining since just before NaNo '05 so I don't know, but Firebird's been around since 4th grade, that much I remember, xD