Sep 14, 2009 10:07
So, I'm at the library at the university. My first class was Shakespeare, from 8:30am to 10:00am. And now I'm going to wait around for about. Six hours or so until my next class, which is Religion in Film at Thornloe University at 3:00pm til 6:00pm.
At least I only have this class once a week. Tomorrow I have one class, Film Foundations, from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. Like hell I'm walking home, my dad will pick me up. The two film courses are only once a week, luckily. Which means I have no class on Thursday or Friday, boo yah.
I seem to recall these computers once had Flash Player installed, but I no longer see this. 8| I'll probably try a different computer, since I want to watch more Metroid Prime 3 (yes watch. I DID PLAY SOME OF IT, but I chickened out and had to return the game, but omg you should get it, it is fantabulistic), and I can't if these computers don't have flash player.
Also, if I have any weird typos, it's because these keyboards are french, and a lot of the keys are all in the wrong places (wrong from what I'm used to). 8| Yet, I can still type on it without too much error. (Lots of practice from the previous years.)
Gonna RP for a bit, then maybe go have some lunch (rice cakes and almond butter, wooo), then maybe take a nap. I'll come back to the library, and once it strikes 2pm, I'll dance over to Thornloe and hope I don't walk into the wrong class. |D
Read Taming of the Shrew, and in class we discussed who we would cast if a movie were to be made today. I said Katherine should be played by Catherine Tate. That would be FANTASTIC. I loved her speaking habits as Donna Noble, and in other comedy shots, I think she's brilliant. No one else knew of her, expect for a few people whom I heard say "doctor whooo". xD
I recorded some of the lecture, I'll upload it later if you want to hear it. Lots of rustling will be made since I had to hide it a bit and my jacket kept rubbing against the mic.
So yeah, s'all for now. So exciting. 8|
edit: dammit yusa, why is your voice so damn sexy. 8| teach Kanemaru-san how to sing like you do, pls.
taming of the shrew,
long day is long,
catherine tate,