Crap, I think I have the lamest computer in the world. No, seriously I do have the lamest computer ever. My dad won't buy us a new computer because he's afraid we might download porn. O_O He's worried we might download porn?! WTFH. Blah, I guess that now requires me to buy myself a new computer or a new ATI whatever video card. Or those T&L video cards (I have no idea what I'm talking about, seriously...)
The moral of the story, never be home when your dad's watching porn... O_O Old people watching porn is AWKWARRD...
And my Sidekick, I think it secretly hates the $#@!^ outta me. It kept freezing whenever I tried to text and, randomly disabled the right left bumper which pretty much got me irritated... -____-
Oh freak, I forgot my old LJ is still up. :)
ohxharajuku and, I still haven't made any graphics for
asterixcrash. >_<
I suck big time.
Jessie from Saved By The Bell scares me. ]x