Title: I dig it when you have a smile on your face
Rating: G
Pairing: andy/archie
Author note: Just a comment ficlet I wrote for oflights on her birthday, and never got around to re-posting here for the one two people on my flist who like this pairing! (hai, guys!)
The thing is, it's really all just a misunderstanding. A very embarrassing one, sure, but he's pretty certain if he could just tell somebody what happened, it could be fixed. Carly, or Brooke maybe. They'd probably be able to sort this out in no time. But Carly and Brooke aren't here; he is, and Andy is, and he doesn't think he can explain it to Andy. There's also the small problem of the fact that neither he nor Andy are entirely able to speak right now. Owing to how they're kissing. He wasn't sure what was happening at first, but he's pretty sure they're making out. It feels a little intense for a first kiss - except, of course, it's not their first kiss. He's sort of lost count, but he thinks maybe it's their fourth, or fifth, or eighth. Does it count as a new kiss when you stop and take a breath and then start again? Or maybe it is still technically their first kiss - his first kiss.
Cook would probably know -- oh, bad idea to think about Cook right now. He wonders if Andy's maybe a mind reader or something, because the second he thinks about Cook, Andy draws back and looks at him. Gosh, he has really big brown eyes. They're kind of pretty, actually.
'Archie, you okay?' Andy asks. They'd decided when they first met - well, Andy had decided and David had agreed - that it would be weird if Andy called him David, and he doesn't mind the Archie nickname, so that's what Andy calls him. He wonders, suddenly, whether the reason Andy thought it might be weird was because he and Cook had -- had kissed. Had done other stuff. Okay, bad idea to think about that.
He drags his attention back to Andy with an effort and smiles. He tends to find that a smile gets him out of trouble - say, when he'd eaten the last cookie, or forgotten about an interview, or started singing one of Cook's songs instead of his own by mistake. (It was just that Cook had given David a preview of his album, and Mr. Sensitive was really catchy, so he totally couldn't help it.) But then again, sometimes the smile gets him into more trouble, like now, when Andy is smiling back, and leaning in, and -- oh, kissing him again. Huh. It's just a quick kiss - their second, or ninth, depending on how you count - and then Andy is looking at him really intently, and David shrugs, embarrassed, and says, 'Yeah, I'm fine,' and that seems to be the signal for more kissing.
It's okay, he guesses. Kind of nice, actually. It's just... he keeps coming back to that whole misunderstanding business. See, he'd been talking generally, about life, and love, and the fact that everyone seemed to think it was acceptable to ask him about his love life, even if he didn't know them at all, and how frustrating it was, and Andy had asked if he liked anybody, and he'd said yes, without thinking, and then maybe he'd got a little distracted thinking about Cook, and the next thing he knew Andy was talking about how you just have to go for it sometimes, and he said, yes, totally, I get that, and then Andy was kissing him, and the whole conversation had gotten terribly off track somehow.
He tries, tentatively, pulling back himself, and Andy smiles at him sweetly. He feels really bad, suddenly, because Andy is being really nice, and he doesn't know about the mistake business, so he thinks... he must have thought David was talking about him. Oops.
David tries another smile, tones it down a little, and then they're just sitting there smiling at each other, and that is when Cook walks in, with Kyle following him, and says, 'Oh, hey. Andy, sorry to interrupt the bonding but we need you in the studio, okay?' like he has no clue what he -- Andy -- they had just been doing on his nice new couch.
Andy follows Kyle and Cook out, looking back over his shoulder and smiling at David again, and David takes the coward's way out and sneaks out the back door.
He ignores three calls from Cook and two from Andy over the next three days, quietly panicking, and then Neal calls and he picks up, because Neal will totally be able to fix it.
He blurts, 'I'm sorry I kissed Andy; it was totally a misunderstanding,' and Neal says, 'Um, what?' and then, 'You kissed Andy? I thought you liked Dave?' and David says, 'Actually, he kissed me, and I sort of kissed him back,' and, 'I know, me too!' and, 'What do I do?'
Neal pauses significantly and then says, 'I would suggest alcohol but you're underage. Why were you kissing Andy?'
'He kissed me!' David protests, because he thinks it's an important point to maintain. 'Um, we were just talking, and I don't know, I think he may have got the wrong idea, um.'
'Yeah,' Neal says, laughing a little, 'Yeah, it sounds like it. No wonder he's been so twitchy recently.'
'What do I do?' David wails, desperate, and Neal says, 'What do you wanna do?'
'I don't know, that's why I'm asking you!' David yelps.
'Okay, so, way I see it, you can either tell Andy the truth - that you really like Dave, and it was a mistake - or you can start dating Andy, or you can hide forever.'
'Um, I don't really like any of those options,' David admits, and then he says, 'Does Cook know?'
'I don't reckon so. Andy would tell me before Dave, anyway, and Dave's a little, uh, protective of you, so Andy would probably want backup when he told him in case he got mad.'
'You think Cook would get mad if Andy told him he'd kissed me?' David says, unable to keep the hope out of his voice.
'Dude, that's between you and Dave, okay, but... I've never seen Dave not go after something he wants, is all. He's not normally too subtle about liking someone.'
'Oh,' David says quietly, deflated.
'But he might like you, and just be nervous, or whatever,' Neal says, which is patently ridiculous, Cook's not scared of anything. Neal's right; if he liked David, he would have told him already.
'But I can't date Andy, my dad and my manager would kill me, and also, I'm not gay.'
'Mmm, yeah, you have a crush on a dude and you kissed another dude, but you're not gay. Right,' Neal says, and he's way too amused by this.
'And, and, doesn't Andy have a girlfriend?' David says, a little desperately.
'Jennie? Um, you're probably too young for me to be telling you this, but they sort of have an open relationship thing going on. She's pretty relaxed about him hooking up with guys.'
David digests that for a second, and then decides he's not going to think about it, because he's pretty sure Neal's right and he's too young to know about it. 'Um. I just... I think I have to tell him it was a mistake.'
'Sure, okay, just, be gentle with him?' Neal says, and David feels like the worst person in the world.
He's not sure if he feels better or worse for having talked to Neal.
So, it's kind of ridiculous, but whatever, he's going with it. He started it this time, at least. The kissing, that is. He means to say, 'Andy, thank you for the kissing thing, and I'm really sorry, but I'm sort of in love with someone else, even though he doesn't love me back and never will,' but Andy looks so... kind, and he's smiling, even though David can tell it's a little fake, and he just can't, okay, he's only ever kissed one person, and he's never broken anybody's heart before, and he doesn't ever intend to, and he opens his mouth to give his speech, and then shuts it, and stands on tiptoe and kisses Andy on the mouth, and he figures he's a lot better at it the second time around, because Andy starts making these really interesting noises, and then walks backwards into the house closing the door behind them.
Then he pulls back and says, 'Okay, I really don't want anybody to walk in on me kissing you in the hall, okay - bedroom?' and David says, 'Oh, wait, no, I don't--' and Andy says, 'Relax, just kissing, I promise,' and he's too busy being dragged into Andy's bedroom to say that he actually hadn't meant he was worried about what might happen so much as he hadn't actually meant to kiss Andy.
The next day, Andy calls and asks him to dinner, so he guesses he's dating Andy Skib, which -- okay, he's a good kisser, and a nice guy, and really interesting, so he supposes there's no harm in it. It takes three days for it to become Andy's face he pictures when he falls asleep, and five days for it to be Andy he thinks of calling first when something funny or upsetting happens, and two weeks later, when Cook walks in on them making out in Andy's room, and grins and laughs at them, and apologises for interrupting as he backs out, David pulls Andy back in the second the door is closed, and he's not thinking about Cook at all as Andy kisses him, as he slides a hand daringly up under Andy's shirt, to rest on his waist. All he's thinking about is Andy.