Random musings

Oct 01, 2008 16:11

I am posting way more than I thought I would! I have important things to post about, though (depending on your definition of the word 'important', obviously).

1. oflights and lifescript have posted requests for prompts on their journals, and I am very excited to see what will come. Oflights has already written two fab Michael/David fics and Archie/Andy, and novelized has written adorable DC/Andy. I would totally do this myself if I was in need of more ideas. Actually, I am in need of fewer ideas, so I can concentrate on one at a time!

2. livehead16 has posted an awesome Axium picspam. This is a source of much pleasure and inspiration to me. However, I am resisting said inspiration because I have too many ideas presently, and there's a certain fic *cough*katie*cough* that I really ought to be writing instead. I am fairly certain that there will be Axium fic in the not-too-distant future, though. And y'all should write some too, okay?

3. Neal freaking Tiemann has invaded my brain. I don't know when, I don't know how (but I know something's starting right now... /random Disney reference). But I want Neal fic. I want Neal gen fic, I want slash, I want het, I want him written with everybody under the sun (but especially David, and David/others). I want to write Neal fic, but I cannot, because of the aforementioned fic that takes priority right now, which I am super-excited about. So I need other people to write it for me, pretty please? *bats eyelashes*

4. The thoughts I am having, about Neal, about Axium, are making me kind of think that there is not really a suitable place for them. We have cookleta and the_flyboys and davandy and other pairing-related comms, and idolslash for anything AI-related outside those comms. But where is there to post, say, Archie/Andy? Or Dave/Neal/Bryan? Or Jeff/Dave? Or Michael/Neal? (pairings included for example only and come with no guarantee of being written by me. Well, except for Archie/Andy, that is). Or even het or gen fic with any of the boys? I suspect it may be possible to miss some pretty fab fic because it's only on the poster's journal, for example. :D

I know there's runs_on_dc, and I love it, but a lot of people who post to various comms don't post there, for whatever reason (and I personally don't feel like I want to post everything I write there). So I see a gap in the fandom for a rare pairings AI/David Cook/MWK/Axium/THH etc. etc. comm. A home for all the fics that won't fit anywhere else. Except, I am so not making it because I have no clue how to mod a community. What do other people think? Sounds like a good idea, or am I just nuts? (If it does exist, and I'm just being dense, link please?!)

5. I was debating whether or not to watch AI season 8. I have now found a reason so powerfully in the yay column, it wipes out all my nays (to wit: the insufferability of Simon Cowell; the feeling that there is no point because nothing will ever top the awesomeness of Season 7; the fear that there may be a contestant I fall for as hard as I did Cook (no, never! sacrilege!); the suspicion that if I don't have at least maybe one month a year when I am not watching a reality talent show, I may go crazy, etc., etc....). This yay reason is simple: his faaaace! Also, there will be guest appearances by season 7 alumni, right? Archie will turn up and sing Crush and blush adorably at Ryan. Carly will belt out something off her new album and wink at Simon. Cook will probably have to shill for Disneyland, or whoever's paying the most money. And if he sings, too... well, I ain't gonna say no!

6. I was pondering why UK iTunes is failing to provide me with a way to purchase Light On (fail, iTunes), and wondering if it was there but hiding (nope, sadly), and so I looked up Crush out of curiosity, and what should I find but it doesn't have Crush either! However, it does, randomly, have the video... you see where this is going, right? (He sings so earnestly! He makes goo-goo eyes at boys and girls! He plays guitar and piano on a lake! I can't help it! *watches again*)

6. I leave you on this note: Does Your Mother Know? = most perfect Cook/Archie song ever, y/n?

Proof (using lyrics from the movie cos they're about the right gender although sung by the wrong one):

I can see what you want
But you seem pretty young to be searching for that kind of fun
So maybe I'm not the one
Now you're so cute, I like your style
And I know what you mean when you give me a flash of that smile
But boy you're only a child

cook/archuleta, axium, awesome people, neal tiemann, american idol is not the same without dc, fic blah, random

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