Sep 18, 2005 12:18
According to Wikipedia, Takahashi and Soraya Saga left Monolith Soft and Xenosaga II before XSII was released. In fact Soraya's script was heavily edited and altered by a new team of script writers. And THAT'S why the story for XSII was so bloody crappy. Characters were actually cut out, such as #668 Citrine, the breakage between #667 Albedo and #669 Nigredo.
XSIII was recently announced, but it seems the series is seeing a premature end, because XSIII is announced to be the last of the Xenosaga series. I don't doubt that this premature ending is due to Takahashi and Soraya Saga leaving, meaning that the story can't be continued without the original storymaster of the Xenosaga series. In fact I found out that Takahashi, Mitsuda, and the original character designer were the "Holy Trinity" of Xenosaga, because they were sort of the heart and core of the series. And now I found out that Takahashi and his wife left, Mitsuda was obviously distanced from the series since he didn't work on XSII (at the time I didn't realize WHY he didn't do the music for XSII) and now with the announcement of XSIII came the revelation that the character designer was changed. What does that mean for the series when it's Core was taken away?
Sort of obvious, isn't it?
In a lot of ways, I wish the greatness of Xenosaga series isn't tainted by the crapiness of XSII and XSIII. I mean, the original plot was edited and changed, therefore the TRUTH of Xenosaga will never be the truth any more. Even if it's "revealed" in XSII or XSIII, it wouldn't be the truth that was hinted in Xenogears and Xenosaga I. In essence, XSII and XSIII woudnl't even be the real series any more.
I'm SO MAD about it. The most horrible thing is the realization that even if Takahashi and the others WANT to finish what they started in Xenosaga I, they CAN'T because of copyrights. It's about as good as saying Xenosaga the series is dead after Xenosaga Episode I.
On a good note, I finally watched FF7AC. OMG it's awesome. :3 It totally blew me away, the graphics, the sound, characterization, everything. Incredible. Square totally outdone themselves this time. What I really noticed was the rise in position of Tetsuya Nomura, acutally. He went from a mere character designer to becoming the producer of the whole entire FF7 line. Talk about climbing the laddar.
Anywayz, I gotta go now, but just some info on those. I might post more about 'me later.