Aug 15, 2005 22:12
List five of your own idiosyncrasies and then tag five friends to do the same.
This was from weekend and she didn't tag anyone specific, so I'm gonna pick this up for fun. XD
1. I'm paranoid of being late. I prefer to be 20 minutes early to whatever event (usually classes) if I have a choice. If I don't have a choice...then I'm 15 minutes early instead. :P
2. I arrange everything I have in Kai-way. I put my favorites first, going from left to right, regardless of chronology or alphabet. I put the bigger sized books or whatever first, according to this "fav first" listing, then smaller books down the line like that. Same for all videogames, CDs, and watever else i got on my bookshelf.
3. I hate any of my items getting damaged in any tiny little way, and that includes a TINY little dent on the corner of the cover of a new book I got, even if you can't even see said dent until you tilt it just SO, where the light hit it and shows the tiny little dent. It's not as big deal for stuff i bought used, though (like used games or books).
4. I prefer to have all my stuff placed perfectly on my bookshelf, and then I woudln't change it for months until I've acquired something new. That means my room is incredibly static.
5. I prefer having all my computer stuff CLOSE BY. meaning I'm going to have my laptop sitting right in front of me, between my me and my desktop comp. And yes, both computer are on.
I'm not tagging anyone either. I'm not even sure if I answered the prompt correctly. Oh well, whoever wanna do it, feel free. :3