Jul 08, 2005 13:03
Another uber late entry. Man, so sorry you guys online! Well, theres only smilbe and Yuki being my online friends, anyway, so it's not like there's a lot of people. ^^;;;; But yeah, RO's taking away all my time nowadays, that and watching anime. Like I said, I finished watching Tactics and Rozen Maiden, but I totally forgot to say that i watched all 45 eps of Kyou Kara Maou before watching the other two. Well, not ALL 45 eps, since the series hasn't ended yet, but all 45 that are out so far.
KKM is an AWESOME series, I just wanna say right now. Previously when I was watching and ep at a time as they come out, it was sort of disjointed and boring (I prefer to watch a whole bunch of eps all at once). In fact, I thought it was so bad that I even noticed the crappy cheap artwork and animation while watching the eps.
But then I sort of got back into KKM's shounen ai hints, and decided to rewatch and watch 1-45, since that's a big chunk of the series, and hopefully it'll be good. Since I coudln't stand not being able to look at the fanfics on the kkm group because all of them contains spoilers by now. ^^;; But yeah, so I watched it, and omg, it is so good. I didn't even notice the crappy animation this time, and in fact it seemed to get better as the series goes on. At around ep 20 or so, a bigger plot appears, and the entire plot became more concentrated, which was a good thing since my previous gripe was that the earlier eps seemed more like episodic fillers than anything. The Dai Shimaron arc (trying not to spoil here) was really quite incredible, and while that arc finished, the series hasn't ended yet, at ep 45!
I can also see why Conrad/Yuuri is a much more likely pairing, although I still rather prefer Wolfram/Yuuri. Call it my personal stubbornness or whatnot, but I think Wolfram needs a little love too. And I think at the very least, Wolfy and Yuuri are getting slightly closer as the series goes on. Maybe not exactly love on Yuuri's part, but in one episode after the Dai Shimaron arc, when Yuuri wanted to get out of Maou duty, and a mystery appeared in town, the FIRST person he called out to was Wolfram. Specifically, it was "Yosh, Wolfram, let's go!" just as Conrad comes into the room. Yuuri didn't even spare Conrad a single glance! XD If nothing else, I think that indicates that Yuuri is starting to really think of Wolfram as an equal and friend. I can't wait for even more eps to come out (gonna hav eto wait a long time for another 10-20 eps, tho) and watch those too. :D
Speaking of which, Wolfram REALLY looks like the Original King! O___O That just makes me think...what if Shin'ou got bored one day, and decided that not just the Maou can have fun, but so should he? Possession time! XD
Anywayz, off of KKM, I think I screwed smoething up on RO. .___. Okay, I was playing on aeRO yesterday, and this stupid bug started where you can't walk almost at all. I'd click somewhere, and Kizu would suddenly jump back to his starting point, then walk to where i clicked. And the same thing keeps happening. I was so miffed 'cause I was REALLY close to lvl 99!!! T___T So I thought maybe somethign didn't patch right, so I reinstalled the patch updater, and now I can't even LOG IN!! I think I know what's wrong tho. After the last time i did the updater patch, the patch for Project Destiny came out and that automatically patched. So now when I just reused the updater patch (the old one) it whiped PD's patch, and when I try to run it, the game tries to connect to host server and repatch PD, except it can't connect. I'm just glad I copied the data folder to my desktop, so I really hope my characters and items are still there. x____x
So in the meantime I was playing piffy. It's actually surprisingly fun (if you're playing in a group anyway) and in piffy there's a faction/mission system. The only faction installed right now is the Prontera Militia, so I joined that, and the guy gave me missions to complete. Usually they're finding scouts and reporting in type "find the NPCs in whatever map they told me, then go back" and I'd get a whole bunch of exp, which is really cool and never done before. I'm sort of stuck on the Orc voucher one, however, because I'm a mage, and my lvl also happens to be quite low. Ingrid and Gwen were both on the same mission, tho, so we played together, and it was really fun.
It's actually really funny and cool, 'cause there are at max 20 players on piffy right now (they just brought it online) so Ingrid (anna) and Gwen are both GMs! Basically I was talking to and becoming friends with GMs. It's pretty neat. Gwen also agreed to let me look at the scripts that they had written and stuff for the new stuff for RO. And if I can find even just one tutorial for eAthena language, then I might take my own hand at this. Well, at the very least it's really neat. There's a whole bunch of new stuff for piffy that I'm really quite impressed. Just too bad there are so little people around. The rates are also VERY low compared to aeRO, and no warping, no jobchanger (gotta do it manually), no reset NPCs, not a lot of things. It's harder, harder to get items and money, but it's not too bad. There's the mission system (which I'm totally in love with), and anna said she's implementing the other factions sometimes next week, and I can do those missions too, not just the militia one even tho I joined that. There's also seem to be better costume colorings in piffy (though I can't really see 'cause my sprite patches are a bit messed up) which is neat.
So in the mean time, I'm using bt to download the latest kro and sakray, so that places like louyang actually EXIST instead ofuber empty. >.>;;; Anywayz, and then i'm probably gonna install it in two different folders, so that I can play both piffy and aero without having to do switchings. It'll take twice the space, but it should be okay, i think. In a lot of ways, I think I might be slowly moving to piffy. Not only because since there are less people now, I get to know these current old hands better, but also I really like the new stuff they implemented. Of course, the tradeoff is that no wings (Arc Angel, Arc Demon, and Devil, Dowry, and Valkyrie helm are all aeRO exclusive special items) and no Project Destiny stuff (Cloud's Buster sword, Alucard glasses, State Alchemist watch, Quincy Bow, Novice Suit) which is too bad. But then, there's also a lack of ksers, possibly more friends, more respawns (because there are less players, you can probably fnid special monsters like Angelings better. Of course, I can't even hunt those right now 'cause I'm so low lvled. ^^;;; But yeah, there's trade off for everything.
I think eventually I might make a male account and recreate Kizu and Eriset at the very least. I like Reign and Kyril, but those two...well, Reign was original a redhaired girl (much like Regal), and Kyril's more of a necessity character to vend than anyone I seriously attach to. In any case, if I do go piffy, that also means goodbye headgears, since droprate's also much lower, and it'd be really hard to get some of the rareer items. T__T
Anywayz, another problem also keeps cropping up. since last night, when I go on the laptop, error messages keeps popping up and Explorer keep closing on me. It's possible that it's because of bt and having piffy on to keep the bt running and that overtaxed the cpu. I don't know, but it's pissing me off. As soon as I get the new kro and sakray downloaded (sometimes today, I think, surprisingly the laptop's not firewalled...) I'm gonna uninstall the old kro and sakray, and just delete the whole folder. Then I'm gonna start over, install everything. Also gotta get rid of bt. Anyawyz, that's my main problem right now. I REALLY don't wanna have to reset the whole laptop, especially since I would have JUST gotten the huge 900MB kro downloaded. Also my aero and piffy data files are still here, and I really don't wanna loose my characters. T__T