ding dong my cell phones dead! which old cell? my crappy cell! :o)

Nov 30, 2005 17:52

my cell phone finally died! after two years of throwing it and hitting it to get a new one. its finally dead :o).


so anyway this week has ben so crazy already and its already tuesday.
or wednesday?
mhmmm ponder.

so monday. i had drama club.. set painting and whatnot.
tuesday i had drama again and after that i had a meeting with the byfieled church because they "heard about me?" and want me to paint there set for a play which will be at triton. and over 800 people are coming! (gulp)

so OH that makes today wednesday.
i went to steves with casey.michelle and kelsey(L) then casey had to leave but the rest of us stayed in uniquley gifted and smelled scented candles for half an hour lol. then it was raining sooOooOoOo hard me and kelsey bought these little plastic bonnet things. and we all watched the jolly dancing santa outside of cressys! ( you must go see it ) then i went to kelseys house and we steamed and scraped wallpaper of her walls!?!( its was so fun :o) )

yea so ive been like getting home at like 6 everyday lol.

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