01. Post the rules
02. Answer each question truthfully
03. Tag 3-5 people at the end
What was your first cosplay?
Akabane Kurodou from Get Backers. It was a very ghetto costume which I handsewn together. It was really badly sewn that I threw it away. =__= I still remember I was very noob then and didn't know you have to do research on the character. I basically just threw on the costume, had my friend's mom to style my hair and played around with 2 poses I am familiar with. Verrrrry noobish. Darn.
Did someone get you into cosplay? Or on your own?
If I have to blame quote someone, that would be my good friend from secondary school. She was the first one to get into anime/manga and then she introduced it to me. She was the one who suggested we are to cosplay after graduation...which turned out to be an invalid promise. Basically, I got sick of waiting for her to join so I just went ahead alone. =x
What is your favourite cosplay?
Costume wise, I felt accomplished with Cage Kyo from Dir en Grey since that was 1 costume I spent much research in.
Character wise, I say Death the Kidd from Souleater(SOY'08) because it was really fun.
Which is your least favourite?
Deathnote L (Home Practice). Because my photo was cosfucked even though I did stated it was done for a hair-styling practice (sort of like under those In-Progress folders kinda thing). The photo is still on my cosplay.com account; I am not going to remove it because I do not have a guilty conscience *stubborn pout*. I told those people I am going to do an awesome official (event/photoshoot) cosplay of L in the future (undetermined) to show them I don't appreciate being called a cosfucker. And darn I felt obliged to do it now even though the enthusiasm for the character has completely sizzled out.
At conventions, do people compliment you on your cosplays?
I am always almost in a daze whenever I cosplay. So I don't really remember? ^^;;
How many have you done?
6 excluding the un-identified labcoat version of Kyo because that was borrowed from Kie.
What are the top 5 on your list of "Want to Cosplay"? (As in, upcoming cosplays)
- Kumagorou-suit Sakuma Ryuuichi from Gravitation anime (WIP)
- Obscure Kyo from Dir en Grey (WIP but I am thinking of scrapping what I have done and re-doing or never doing it because I suxs at bringing out Kyo's aggresiveness)
- Drain Away Kyo
- The Final Kyo
- Tsumi to Batsu/Myaku Kyo because it would be awesome to own costumes like that...but impossible to make with my resources ;__; muu
What female cosplay do you want to do most?
I can't think of any right now.
Your most memorable experience? What makes it so memorable?
Streetfest'07??? The one in which I cosplayed Kyo with Kie and headbanged to Diru covers by some band with her and Dandan.
'Vivocity Jrock Matsuri' as the Mana who couldn't talk who encountered the most adorable little boy! =3
Your dream cosplay?
All versions of Kyo. Fat hope? n_n
Is there a pattern in your cosplays? If so, what?
Guys. Definitely cross-play. Either cool evil characters or weird funny characters.
The day I cosplay a female character is the day I actually feel very comfortable in cosplay.
Your most recent cosplay?
That would be Beast of Blood Mana from Malice Mizer.
What do you prefer? Cosplaying in a group or on your own?
I have participated in 2 group cosplays so far. The first one put me off and made me felt uneasy in joining groups ever. The second one was better and actually showed me the potential in being a part of a team. (gawd, I sound like I'm answering a job interviewer) It make me want to try cosplaying in groups again. Cosplaying alone is lonely. =(
iceruru_aoi ,
redstrangler ,
tokyoline No fair, Kie. I am sure Crashwire is a photographer only and my other friend doesn't cosplay at all. There is nobody left on my lj friends list. =A=