Jan 01, 2011 11:55
A new log to a new year, already things aren't quite going as well in the morning but...eh whatever.
I've had my coffee, and i just wanna go out and relax for a while since the past few days were spent working on holiday assignments. And no matter how it is, i find that the terms "holiday" and "assignment" just don't click together. The proper definition of a Holiday, is a "day of festivity or recreation when no work is done". An assignment is a task or piece of work assigned to someone as part of a job or course of study. However..whoever created holiday assignments didn't read the english dictionary or have no idea what a holiday is supposed to be. the key words? "WHEN NO WORK IS DONE" That sums up how i feel about holiday and assignment. Makes no sense, and you're supposed to be relaxing on a holiday NOT DOING WORK.
I start new years with a humbug, sure i do. I realize that when there's something so blatantly wrong about some matter in this earth, i'd want to pick at it with a...well, pick? Until it crumbles and breaks!...and give me some ore in return for my hard works.
That makes number 1 of my new year's resolutions : To be less of a self-keeping person and more on a total bigot, to be less heartful and more heartless because no one appreciated me heartful, so its time to bring on some HURT. I don't care what you call me, like simon inspired or whatever, i have my own style of being a nitpick. If you want to find out, just simply do something stupid then.
number 2 would probably be to maintain my hard-working self. I've seen progress of myself through poly so far and i've been termed as a "noobcrastinator". its different from a Procrastinator so...its a silly term brought up by my friends in poly but hey..i like the originality of it. The reason for it, in case you've not figured is because i work so fast, i usually finish work way before hand. And i get people giving me that pained expression and saying, "I hate you..so much.. D<" and frankly, that makes me satisfied.
number 3, probably to try and cook a little more so i can be like my idol for now, Heston Blumenthal. Heston Blumenthal by the way, is an amazing English chef, and if i dare say so, he must be the real Mr Willy Wonka, because his creations of gastronomical inventions are just so mind blowing! I've never seen anyone as amazing as him when it comes to originality and creativity, as well as plating. The food of course looks good. And as one would say, "if the food looks good, it must taste good!"
number 4, to stop trying to be someone else, and just be myself even if the world hates it. I'm not gonna change for some people just because i don't happen to be "that way".That's just silly, stupid and childish. What kind of a 3rd world country do i live in anyways, a town run by a bunch of kids? Oh and sorry, i no longer agree with cosplaying or fursuitting aspects. It definitely is fun and all but..its just another way of escaping being yourself, and i just can't agree to that. Why go through all that hassle when you can just be yourself in person? No offense to fursuiters but i just don't see the point in spending outrageously on a suit just so you can have fun in public not being yourself.
number 5, to dance more, and to keep my dream alive, in a different sense. I may no longer have fursuitting on mind. What i do have on however, is to just be able to dance in front of people, and show them how much i love that funky music. That goes in the form of "random dance" as my friends put it, and yes...I've randomly danced, its no secret! its fun although people think you're crazy but..refer to point 4, do i care? heck no of course not.
And finally, happy new year to all whom i've known. Its time to kick this journal and everything else off to a start in 2011. Let's hope this year isn't gonna be as dung filled as the last.
~Folfilicious, Indigenous~