Massive post of Fuji[cest]

Feb 18, 2007 23:20

Everything that's not really really awful that I have in my folder so far. Since I'm bored, and tired, and I should organize things.

Funny/Cracky stuff

New Generation; Fujicest, PG(-13?), mpreg and crack. 781 words.

New Generation

Yuuta tries to do his best and stay awake during the whole night, while Shuusuke is in labor, but eventually he falls asleep around 4:30 in the morning, just when the doctors decide that despite the patient’s protest they should probably use some painkillers anyway.

When he wakes up it’s 8:45, the sun is shining right into his eyes through the dirty hospital window, and a smiling nurse is leaning above him, tapping him gently on the shoulder.

“Fuji-san?” She asks.

He yawns and stretches his arms before realizing where he is and what time it is, and then he jumps to his feet and looks around in alarm. “Where- What- is he alright?”

The nurse chuckles softly and lays a comforting hand on his shoulder again. “He’s perfectly fine. You have a very brave spouse, did you know that?”

Yuuta nods once and smiles, and she continues.

“And of course, now you have two very brave babies too.”

Yuuta feels dumbfounded at that. “Two? I beg your pardon?”

“Of course. They’re twins, didn’t you know?” The nurse takes a step back and looks at him suspiciously; despite his height and age, Yuuta does seem a little boyish sometimes, and he fears she might throw him away so he does his best to look parent-y and responsible. Her eyes still look criticizing, though. “You are his husband, aren’t you?”

“No, I’m his brother,” Yuuta answers without thinking, and then quickly covers his mouth and tries to look away. He coughs. “I mean, yes, I’m the father.”

The nurse squeaks at that and starts to back away from him, slowly. “I must’ve made a mistake. I’m sorry. I’ll… just go now.” She’s away before he can say Rising Shot.

Yuuta shakes his head, a little embarrassed, and sets out to find the door to Shuusuke’s room by himself. He finds it, eventually, and when he enters the small room he finds his brother sitting on the bed, glowing happily, with two babies in his hands. Yuuta’s eyes widen slightly as he approaches the bed - his sons - and Shuusuke smiles at him contentedly.

“I’m so glad you finally came, Yuuta,” His voice is low and rich as usual, but Yuuta feels guilty when he hears the exhaustion his brother is trying to conceal.

“I didn’t mean to be this late, aniki,” he steps towards the bed and gently picks one of the babies out of Shuusuke’s hands, holding him close to his body. The baby’s eyes are closed - takes after his father, that one - and Yuuta feels a strange fluttering in his heart when he looks down at his child. Their child. Despite the doctors’ warnings, Shuusuke has promised him the kids will be born with no harm, and it seems as though he was right. He chuckles. His tensai brother always did know best.

“What kept you so long?” Shuusuke sounds wistful, and therefore Yuuta leans down, careful still with the baby in his hands, and presses a soft kiss to his brother’s cheek. Shuusuke sighs in pleasure, and for one stupid moment Yuuta actually wishes the babies weren’t there. There will be time for that later though, he supposes.

“I was asleep,” he says apologetically, and adds “and when I woke up the nurse wasn’t too helpful too.”

“Oh?” there’s an edge to his brother’s voice now, and Yuuta feels the old warmth that spreads through him whenever his brother worries about him.

“Yeah, she was real nice until she found out we were brothers,” his voice still shakes a bit whenever he says that, although he doesn’t regret his decision, not ever. He holds the baby close to him, and notices Shuusuke doing the same. “She freaked out then.”

Shuusuke chuckles at that, and Yuuta curses his aniki for being so shameless all the time before he remembers to take pity on him instead, since it isn’t an easy job, giving birth to a child, no to mention two.

“She probably thought we were real perverts,” Shuusuke speaks lazily, enjoying the words.

“Well you are,” Yuuta mumbles, and then bites his tongue and says “yeah, she probably did.”

“Scared her, didn’t it?” Shuusuke sounds so awfully wicked, and then ruins the impression when he presses a kiss to his son’s brow. The baby is asleep, and doesn’t make a sound.

“I guess it did.” Yuuta lowers the baby that he was holding back into Shuusuke’s hold, since it seems they’re the most comfortable there anyway.

“Just to think,” Shuusuke accepts their son back into his arms gracefully without stirring the other child from his sleep, and smiles at Yuuta lovingly, “we now have a whole new Fuji generation to corrupt.”


Socks; Sort of Fujicest, G, and completely pointless. 254 words.


When Yuuta came home for the weekend Shuusuke was smiling, as usual, and Yumiko was furious, which was surprising.

“Is everything alright, nee-san?” He asked hesitantly after dropping his bags by the door. It would do no good to anger her even more, but he had to make sure it wasn’t his fault, somehow.

Yumiko glared at him. Shuusuke’s smile didn’t waver. “Yuuta,” her voice was softer than usual, as if she was trying to suppress her anger. “Although I obviously enjoy your stay here on the weekends, this time please remember not to leave your dirty socks lying all around the apartment.”

Yuuta stared at her. “You must be wrong.”

Shuusuke coughed politely. Yumiko sent him a thankful glance.

“I’m sure that if you think about it carefully, Yuuta, you’ll find out that I’m not the person who’s wrong.” She patted his shoulder. “Don’t take it so hard, okay? I forgive you. Just… take care, this time, okay?”

Yuuta nodded, dumbstruck.

“After all,” Yumiko added in a chuckle, “we wouldn’t want the apartment to smell of you for the whole week, now would we?”

He nodded again, so confused that he let Shuusuke grab his hand and lead him to his room, and vowed to make sure all his dirty laundry reached the basket safely before he left again for St. Rudolph.

On Monday night Shuusuke sneaked out of bed and stole all of Yuuta’s dirty socks out of the laundry basket, to spread them all over the house again the following morning.


Serious/Angsty stuff

Photos; Fuji-drabble, PG, angsty. 293 words.


Fuji likes to flirt, to smile and mock and whisper suggestively, with everyone around him. He allows Kikumaru’s sudden hugs, enjoying the red-head’s surprise when he slips a hand a little bit too far or murmurs slyly into his ears. He likes tormenting Echizen, confusing the smaller boy with his unpredictability, smiling widely on occasions and being as far and creepy as he can on others, and always, always making sure he’s one step ahead. He absolutely loves pestering Tezuka, sending him knowing smiles and cryptic winks, touching him secretly when no one else notices, talking with him seriously for one second and then breaking into laughter for another, mocking the other boy’s solemn expression. He enjoys the most playing with Yuuta, asking him out when he’s sure they have a crowd, acting like the big brother when he knows Yuuta doesn’t want it the most, touching him in ways brothers shouldn’t; although in those few occasions, when Yuuta seems to be truly disturbed and flinches a little at his brother’s touch, Fuji will quit his games and sit alone by his window for hours, never letting a smile cross his face. No one knows of those times though.

To any casual observer, he’s the ultimate people’s person, good going, charismatic and charming, always at the center of attention.

He’s never there on photos though, and when they ask him why he chuckles softly and answers simply that he is the photographer of the group, that there would be no other way for them to have so many pictures together. They smile and joke in response, saying that this is probably another one of his many skills, something more to add to his popularity.

The truth is that he always edits himself out.


Sold; Yuuta-drabble, PG-13, angst. 614 words.


It began as a joke. Promising a blowjob to whoever beat him - not, you know, like, seriously. But then after Yuuta beat Yangisawa and Akazawa-buchou Mizuki stepped onto the court playing with his hair and giggling to himself, and twenty minutes later Yuuta was dragged away by his winking senpai who said he had some business with him to attend to. He played along with it until it was too late, and then he continued to play along from the shock and confusion alone, realizing what exactly he had done only after Mizuki had walked satisfied out of his room, leaving him with a fluttering feeling in his stomach and a bitter taste in his mouth.

He would’ve left it at that and returned to his life, or at least would’ve tried to overcome the shock a little, but Mizuki went and talked around, and the next time he played Akazawa-buchou he lost and his captain asked in a serious expression if the deal was still on, and pressed a bill of 5000 yen into his hand before following him quietly away from the tennis courts.

Things just started rolling after that, and Yuuta felt like he was observing them from afar, like the feeling of a muscle gone sore that you can only look at and wince, but do nothing to stop the pain. In a way, he admitted to himself late at night, he liked feeling this powerful. It was amazing what the boys in St. Rudolph would do for a simple blowjob, not to mention the real thing, and Yuuta found that for the first time ever, he was the one who controlled completely his status in the school. He was wanted, now, and it wasn’t as if he was giving up something that important, now wasn’t it. It had been trivial, obvious, all along, and what were a couple of alone moments with each and every boy in the school who felt like it, compared to the rest of the day when he could walk outside in the sun and feel renowned? It could’ve worked, and it did work, and Yuuta convinced himself he was satisfied.

But Mizuki had to talk some more.

On the day Shuusuke stepped into their school and onto the court, one lazy afternoon, Yuuta’s heart felt like it froze for a minute before it continued to beat in a rapid pace. Shuusuke smiled at him as he usually did, his soft, eerie smile, and borrowed a racket from one of the observers, turning to face Yuuta on the other side of the court. He played halfheartedly, exchanging polite sentences with the viewers who passed by, and yet he still won easily and Yuuta felt the racket slip from his fingers when his brother turned to leave towards his room and signaled to him with a finger to come after him.

In the room Shuusuke leisurely took out a bill of money from his pocket, while Yuuta was pacing nervously from side to side in his little quarters, shaking without actually knowing why. His brother then stepped closer, and he stumbled backwards and fell back onto the bed with a loud thump, closing his eyes and not knowing exactly what to expect. He felt the touch of lips on his own, once, softly, and when he opened his eyes Shuusuke had laid the money on the table and turned to leave. When he paused by the door his eyes were opened and his gaze serious.

“I didn’t,” He said. “But I could’ve.”

And without saying another word he stepped out and away, leaving the money on the desk and Yuuta trembling on the bed behind him.


Sleep; Fujicest, PG, not too sad, in my opinion. 268 words.


When Yuuta is asleep, he looks almost like a child.

Shuusuke can’t help but enter his room late at night, when he knows Yuuta is there, under the covers, eyes closed and a sweet, innocent expression on his usually angry face. He sits just beside the bed, so that his eyes are at level with Yuuta’s head on the pillow, and he watches his brother for what seems like hours: breathing in, breathing out, breathing in again.

Shuusuke would never admit it, at least not in a serious tone, but these are the hours he loves best. Yuuta sleeps a deep, undisturbed sleep; the sleep of the just, and while Shuusuke can never hope to sleep as peacefully as that, he finds that sitting next to Yuuta, hearing the soft, even breathing, he can find some solace in his own sleepless night.

Dawn arrives, the sun begins to shine and small lines of light can be seen on the wall opposed to Yuuta’s bed. It is then that Shuusuke finally gets up, careful not to make a sound, and then lingers for another while. He brushes a stray hair off Yuuta’s brow, presses soft kisses to an equally soft cheek, and unclenches, if necessary, the tight hold of Yuuta’s hands on the mattress. With one last gentle kiss he silently says his goodbyes, and when he leaves the room there’s a tender smile on his face, and his eyes are wide open.

When Yuuta wakes up, only a couple of hours later, he tries desperately to catch the last fragment of a dream, and Shuusuke is fast asleep.


Family; Yumiko-drabble, about Fujicest. PG, again - not too angsty. 792 words.


She’s not stupid, and she’s definitely not blind. Yumiko notices the change in dynamics between her little brothers - not all at once, not in a flash, but slowly, intricately, during the years that pass. She sees, and she understands.

It begins with Shuusuke, and it probably isn’t that surprising, since everything in the Fuji household begins and ends with Shuusuke, no matter how much they may consent or object to that fact. Yumiko loves her little brother deeply, has loved him ever since the first time he opened those big blue eyes and stared at her, and the changes she observes in him worry her. It becomes much more felt after Yuuta leaves for St. Rudolph, but the signs have been there before, and Yumiko fears they have been there a long time before she noticed them for the first time.

Shuusuke loves Yuuta.

He doesn’t love him like Yumiko does, or like their parents do. He loves Yuuta, in a way brothers shouldn’t care for each other, and Yumiko believes she’s the only one who has seen the way it affected him - not from the very start, but very close to it. She has seen the way Shuusuke became protective of Yuuta, more than he used to be, if that was even possible. She has seen the way Yuuta’s anger towards him hurt Shuusuke, even though he would never truly admit it, and the way that pain turned into sorrow when their younger brother enrolled into St. Rudolph and his daily presence was there no more. She watches Shuusuke now, when it seems he has made some sort of decision to live on - he smiles, he jokes, and he teases Yuuta whenever he’s around - and she knows that although it has been nearly two years, Shuusuke is just as unsure and lost as he was on the day Yuuta informed them of his decision.

She tries her best to help him, although she doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to tell him how much she really cares about him, how they’re family, and how she believes that in the end everything will be just fine. No, Shuusuke isn’t like that - he can accept her silent, gentle support, but he’s the one who will handle his situation alone, no matter how hard it is for him. That’s how her little brother is, and it makes her smile bitterly whenever Yuuta visits home, because she knows Shuusuke is thrilled and scared of those visits at the same time. He’ll be okay though, in the end, she believes, since that’s what he’s like - at least this brother knows how to handle himself.

But then there’s Yuuta, too.

Had Yumiko believed that this unnatural affection Shuusuke was feeling towards his brother was one-sided, she would’ve tried and set him straight again, maybe, years ago. But things are different, as much as they may seem unnatural to her (and they do, not to mention disturbing at first, before she started feeling pity instead of aversion) - and even though Yuuta is even more unlikely than Shuusuke to admit his feelings, she can’t deny that those feelings exist. While Shuusuke more or less wears his feelings on his sleeve, Yuuta hides them. Shuusuke’s affection is apparent in everything that he does, for those who know how to look; Yuuta’s love is there in everything he doesn’t do. He probably isn’t willing to admit it even to himself, Yumiko muses, afraid of the big change that has occurred in his relation with his bigger brother over the years.

Yuuta doesn’t come home just for raspberry pie anymore. He barely comes home at all, and when Yumiko asks him about it he avoids answering and turns his face away from her. Sometimes he’s not blushing in such an obvious way that makes her giggle, and then he grumbles about a conspiracy between her and Shuusuke and then he really can’t not blush since he happened to mention Shuusuke, although he pretends nothing is out of the ordinary even then and just lowers his eyes to the floor. He cares for their brother in such a silly, adorable way, and it seems to Yumiko that the first time she realized this was the first time she completely accepted the idea that Shuusuke and Yuuta could some day be more than just brothers to each other, if they ever manage to truly open to each other and overcome the obstacles in their way.
She’ll be there on that day, if it ever comes, and she’ll welcome them home with a smile and a hug, because that’s what families are for.

But meanwhile she simply observes them, and waits. She knows: even if they break, she’ll be there to pick up the pieces.


I think this is all for now, actually. Sleep now, more writing later. Night.

drabbles, pot, (public)

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