13w 1 d

May 09, 2008 10:37

Its been a busy week... full of ups and downs... but not fights...

Friday night, while en route for going to pick up (N) and (S) the car died.  The problem is the Timing Belt, which when it goes, it can damage the motor.  So, we had to get towed, and then find a ride home friday night.  It was horrible.  (M)'s ex wife was screaming at him that he ruined her weekend, so, he asked if she could drop the kids off to him here in Montreal, she refused... he was upset, she was upset, the kids were upset!  He tells me that he can count on one hand the number of times she has dropped the kids off in Montreal since they got divorced... 8 YEARS AGO!!!

We ended up still going to camp, with his mother only (her car) and had a wonderful weekend.  We cleaned up the trailer, and set up for the next time we all go.  I can't wait.  Although I didn't sleep the greatest, I still had a wonderful time, and was relaxed by the time I got back to the city.  So relaxed in fact... that I fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Monday I went to get my blood tests done.  7 or 8 vials.  I got woosy and almost passed out in the chair.  I took the day off because I didn't feel well, and ended up being sick in the afternoon!  I spent the rest of the day horizontal.

Wednesday I had the appointment at the High Risk clinic.  I had to go alone, because of the car being broken so I was a little nervous.  I was honest with the doctor, told her of my sobriety, of my prior drug and alcohol use, and my personal and family medical history.  I have been asked to take my blood pressure 1x a week (i'll try and do it every day) and take 81mg of asprin a day until the beginning of my 3rd trimester.  I will then be followed closely to prevent pre-ecclampsia.  http://preeclampsia.org/symptoms.asp  From what the doctor told me, the blood pressure of a pregnant woman decreases in the second trimester.  But, I am supposed to monitor myself, and if my BP goes above 150/100 over a few weeks, then I am suppoed to call and make an appointment to see her.  I have to go back to her at 26w (roughly beginning of Aug.).  She was really nice.  They thing that pre-eccampsia is almost like a rejection to the fetus (like rejection after transplantation of an organ) and they will do anything and everything possible to keep the baby in me for as long as possible.  There is also a possibility that I might have to take BP medication in my third trimester.

I got to hear turkey butt's heart beat at the same time... and I think she/he was being cheeky!  The nurse was chasing the baby around with the doppler!  When I heard it, it was the most beautiful sound in the world.

My sex drive is coming back... if it wasnt for the nausea... I'd like to have sex every day!  (M) made me wait too long yesterday, and by the time we went to bed... I was nauseated... and no longer in the mood.  I think I need to eat a little more... and please note... I am eating healthy!  Fruit, veggies and even meat!  Yes... you heard me... meat!!!  Gah!  :)


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