8 weeks and 5 days

Apr 08, 2008 10:47

I am ok... I guess... I had some spotting and pain on Thursday so after talking it over with (M) we went to the ER to ease our troubled minds... we were rushed thru, much to the chagrin of the other people waiting. The doc was nice, and he tried to do an ultrasound (but said my bladder was too empty and he couldnt see anything. He then did a pelvic exam (you should have seen the look on (M)'s face, when he saw the speculum (spell??) and heard the click click click!) He told me he didn't see any blood and that my cervix was closed. (good!) So, they drew blood, and I told him that there were results to check against because I had been there a few weeks before. The nurse came, drew blood and (M) almost fainted! The doc did a vaginal U/S and didn't understand what he was seeing, so he sent us off to another hospital... (I had the copy of my hospital records and I couldnt resist looking... and had a HCG count of over 43000 at 6w3d and the lab was so slow all they marked on my labwork from thursday was over 10000)
When we finally saw the other doc, at the hospital I will be giving birth in, he did another vaginal U/S and told us that there are two sacks but only one viable baby who was doing very well. We saw the heartbeat, but he didn't count it for us.

If I had never had spotting, we would have never known that there was the second sack.

Its a phenomenon called vanishing twin. The sack will be absorbed by the remaining twin and everything should be ok. I have a paper to give to my OB when I have my apointment on the 29th of April that says what he saw during the U/S.

We told (N) and (S) this weekend and it went relativly well.  (N) wants it to be a boy, and they were both in shock I think.  I am waiting for news from their mother as to how they really took the news.


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