This is not a good week for me. I dunno what the hell I'm doing. I'm not depressed or anything, I'm just completely disorganized and all over the place.
I need new headphones for my ipod. I left the old ones at my cabin, but that's OK, as I need new ones anyway. See how much sense that made? I've been using
cobos's sometimes, but when he's using them, all I have is my huge fecking stereo headset. And I can't use that when I'm running. That would be silly. Except I did, because the alternative would be not going for a run at all. I can't stand to hear myself breathing. I get nervous. I've done it once or twice and man, I did not like it.
Sooo much to do around the house. I've been off work (I was home yesterday; some sort of fever-type pain kept me up all night, so I was a mess come morning), but I've done nada. Urg urg urg. And now I'm ranting about it here. Hurrah! V. conductive. To doing things.
Right now I'm contemplating going for a run. *sigh* I should. I want to. But I have nooooooooo resolve to do, like, anything. :p I was gonna go swimming today, but yeah. Not happening. I need to get back into the swing of things! Swing!! Of things!!!
SF in two weeks. Two weeks! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!