Nov 14, 2008 21:51
We gathered outside the patio and moved into the parking lot.
Standing in between cars and crowding the road
we keep our ears tuned to the music drifting from a rented room.
Our eyes are trained on a pillar of helium balloons
tethered to a box on the asphalt in the cool November night.
I stood by the spheres and carefully released one
with the sharp of my shears. This is when my brother
refrained from tears, to watch them sail away.
I moved through the crowd, passing the shears off to a cousin
and I found my place leaning on a hood next to you.
You put your head into my shoulder and let out a breath,
an audible phrase to compliment the view.
A pillar of spheres cut loose into the brisk night,
sailing free under a bright full moon.
The red balloon turned black against the backdrop
provided when the wax finally blooms.
My mother lets out a sob and a gasp,
and your hand moves up my back.
I turn my eyes back to the sky and you whisper
plans to me so we can keep the memory from fading.