Oct 05, 2005 09:12
Time for a random update. It's been over a month since i've started my new job and life in London of all places. Living with everyone in #cunts-south do have its merits and cons. Let's get the bad stuff out of the way first, the lack of my own room still is a little annoying but that should be fixed in the next few weeks hopefully once everything is settled. And having loads of people round constantly means I don't have the time to watch anime or get to gundam building but there'll be time allocated for it! Other than that, everyday seems to have plenty to do around the house and the regular visitors to the house makes the decision moving here very worthwhile, at least it's better than flying over to London once a month for a weekend here and there. Work wise, well, I don't even know what my job is at the moment, one minute, I'm a Sys Admin, the other minute I'm their Software Engineer, I don't really know what my job is from day to day other than reading blogs and doing standard maintaince of the computers.
Time to get back to pretend to work! As a sign of me getting older once again, well, we're all constantly getting older but that's irrelevant, we're prolly going to head out for a meal on Friday or Saturday this weekend if anyone wants to attend but do let me know in advance so we can decide on getting tables booked!