Far too warm.

Aug 25, 2007 14:31

It's far far too warm today, going outside was also a bad idea since it was Saturday afternoon, and Reading town centre was just filled with people, far too many people. That I only managed to complete one of the two objectives I set out for, I manage to pick up a replacement sandwich toaster seeing our current one anti stick coating is peeling off ( Read more... )

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celestianna August 27 2007, 19:03:29 UTC
Bout time it got warm in UKland! 23 degrees and raining DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR SUMMER.

Mm... sandwich toaster... I may need to get one. D; It made such nice yummy sandwiches so easily. ;w; Then again... being able to get good food easily means faaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttssssssssssssss@#$!! Dx

Do you have any visual references for the bottom end of Caliburn's scabbard? I didn't even know it had one since it never appears in the anime, but I see it in a bunch of Googled images... that never show the bottom of it! >O


kahochan August 27 2007, 20:17:32 UTC
You sure it's Caliburn's scabbard and not Excalibur?

The game doesn't even meantion it...all it had is http://www.usagikun.com/caliburn.jpg

No, 29 is far too warm, my room is faaaaaaaaaaaaaar too warm! New sandwich toaster is made of win and good, just put less cheese down, you'll be fine!.


celestianna August 27 2007, 21:18:40 UTC

What is this ;w;

29 is normal summer temperature! >O


celestianna August 28 2007, 01:40:23 UTC
woot ty! :D


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