Moving onto Kain route now ^^/
To sum his story up I would say, it is one of the most LOL and the most heart-warming events + a BIG SCREAM event.
To be quite honest, out of all the VK bishies, Kain is ranked only in the middle for me. Probably because he is always so quiet, and hardly has any screen time and not to mention he is already in love with Ruka...>.>
But he managed to make me go awww and ahhhh over him in this game. I blame it totally on Suwabe's sexy "arn~?" voice xDD
So, let's start with chapter 1 where I gave him the Valentine chocolate.
Honestly with Yuuki and Kain's relationship, there really isnt a reason to give him chocolate. So in the game, I was like, "errr...I want to give a chocolate to Kain to see if we could increase our friendship."
So after I stopped him, (this is the first time I didnt have to be involved in tag wars with crazy fangirls.)
*gasps* Kain! Does that mean no one wants to give you chocolate?? You poor poor disregarded hawt vampire!! -0-
Anyhow, moving on after I handed him the chocolate, he was all like...O_O??
Kain: Huh? What are you doing? Did you mistaken me for someone?
Kain: It is a bit early to be stupid...
Me: so cruel....T^T
So thinking that I was retarded, Kain took off. Chasing immediately after him I told him that it really WAS for him.
Then he was like all, "hmm...okay, then. In that case I will accept it."
Thinking that was the end of the chocolate event, I bumped into him at night watch. So I asked if he enjoyed his Valentine's Day.
Then he said not really. And I asked him why and he said this...HAHA
Kain: Because Hanabusa is always so excited, so I always have to clean up his mess.
Me: You poor thing, you're like his mum or something...xD
Then he thanked me for the chocolate I gave him earlier today. And he said...
Kain: To be honest, I was really surprised to the extend I was losing sleep over it.
Me: wow...did I have such an impact on you, Kain? :'D
While I was going :D :D :D, Kain said the reason he couldnt sleep was because he couldnt figure out my intention. He thought it was a conspiracy, and I was plotting against him....
hi...hidoi!!! T^T
So he asked me why I REALLY gave him a chocolate. So I said, "Its to help you out so you wont look so bad compared to Aidou and Ichijou :D"
Kain: Huh? That's even worse than receiving a friend only chocolate. Do I look that pathetic to you?
Me: just kidding, Kain... xD
While we were talking, suddenly he stopped and then came up really close to me. Closing his eyes he started sniffing me.
Kain: Your body...
By this time, since its my 3rd time round, I already know he is going to say I smell sweet and nice and it was because I was carrying my hand-made chocolate.
But then he said this!!
Kain: Weird, why is there a stinkin' burnt smell?
Me: Stink??? How can you say that to a lady? -0-
So fine fine, you got me, I got a stinky hand-made chocolate. Here you go, I offer it to you, happy? 8D
Then he was like, "Eh? For me? Shouldnt this be something you save for Kuran dorm-head or Kiryuu?"
Me: No~ its for you~ they have already had their portions in earlier rounds :D
So he accepted and then he looked up at me again...'re cute.
Me: NANU?????? Σ(oД0) Where did that come from??
Then while I was suddenly going doki doki at why he suddenly said I was cute, then he said, "No, I am referring to the chocolate wrapping. It seems that you spent quite an effort into it."
Oh...okay アハハ…(^∀^;)
Since Kain is unlike Ichijou, he is a nice guy and would like to believe in the best of people, he took a bite of the hand-made chocolate I made.
Kain: *cough* *cough* OMG!! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME???
Me: niehehehehe...this is what you get for believing in people so easily, Kain >D
Kain: Why does this thing taste like a big blob of salt??
Me: Eh? I added salt to strengthen the flavour, did I add to much? :'D
Kain: OMG...Please, dont go around offering your cooking to people anymore...
So after Kain was half dead from eating my poison, he was still so kind as he said.
Kain: Maa...taste aside, I will admit you did work hard.
Me: Kain senpai, you have such a generous heart, unlike somebody >.> *shakes fist at Ichijou*
Feeling all fuzzy and warm, we move onto chapter 2 about Lengthy Night.
As usual, due to the 3 days without the sunlight, Night Class boys became very active and excited. Then while I was walking around during my night watch, I bumped into Kain.
And we talked for a bit, and he apologised for the fire problem he caused during the day because he was busy trying to melt the ice Aidou was freezing up everywhere.
Kain, you poor poor thing, you are just like a butler following your master Aidou around to make sure he doesnt cause trouble xDDDD
Then while we were talking, I totally have no idea why, but I suddenly slipped.
I guess everytime in a shojo scenario, where you slip or fall over, it is bound to end up in this scenario, and as I expected it did 8D 8D 8D
Oh, look at me, I TOTALLY did not plan this 8D 8D 8D
Anyway, moving satisfy Cross' crazy idea of the kimodameshi, I picked Kain as my partner this time.
Then while we were walking in the dark I thought it was finally the CHANCE to boost up Kain's love gauge. So I decided to call him at least once as "WILD SENPAI."
Me: Wild senpai...
Kain: Arn~? Stop it with that name...
Me: But why are you known as Wild senpai?
Kain: Beats me.
Me: I know! Its because you always unbutton your shirt!!
Kain: Really? I just dont like the feeling of the tie restricting my neck.
Me: Oh, and not only that, even when you sleep, you sleep topless as well! <3333
Kain: Wait a second....How da heck did you know that? (-"-J)
Me: Eh? Err... (゚◇゚=)(=゚◇゚)?
Sh*t, he caught me, the reason I know its because I have been secretly stalking him with my binoculars during night watch...xD;;;;;;
So pretending that I just "assumed" he does, I smoothly let the conversation pass~
Then while we kept walking, this icy thing suddenly slipped down my back. Screaming, I found out it was a jelly thing that was frozen by Aidou. Seeing that, Kain put it in his hand and then with his power of fire, it defrosted.
Me: Ohhhh!! Kain senpai! You are like a microwave! :D
Kain: ....Did you say something? ="=
Me: No, nothing! 8D
As we continued on, Kain gave a sigh and complained tha this whole kimodameshi thing was a disappointment. There was nothing scary about it. When suddenly....
Kain & Me: 工工エエェェ(゚Д゚)ェェエエ工工
Then Kaname the ALMIGHTY vanished again.
Good job, Kaname d(* ̄▽ ̄)b"グゥョ
Indeed, there is nothing in this world that you cant do
Kain: WAH!!!! Ku...Kuran dorm-head!!!!!!
Me: HAHAHA, you should hear Suwabe's scream in this scene, its so hillarious!! xDDD
Kain: I...I didnt expect Kuran dorm-head to play the role of scarying people...
Me: I HONESTLY did not either...HAHAHAHAHA xD
Kain: I think I just lost 3 years of my vampire life....
Me: HAHAHAHA, that would be like 500 years in human life? xDD
So while I was recovering from the LOL-ness of Kaname as the ALMIGHTY ghost, Aidou appeared with a special guest.
Seiren~~ My favourite female vampire~~ ^^/
Anyway, Aidou then started fighting with Seiren about who was supposed to be the most loyal to Kaname...==
Then Aidou complained about the stupid kimodameshi. But I said it was Cross' way of trying to make day class and night class good friends. So I wish to use this chance too to become friends with the night class even more.
Then Aidou said this LOL statement.
Aidou: What?? You are not satisfied with Kaname-sama already and still want to befriend other vampires?? You BIG FLIRT!
Me: got me~ 8D 8D
Then moving onto chapter 3 about Night Rainbow.
For some reason I got nothing about Kain in this chapter. Other than the normal walking around and then bumping into him and we both talked about our dreams. I told him I wanted to be the bridge of humans and vampires and that was it...*tilts head*
Then we got the usual, we see the beautiful night rainbow because I was so endeavoured to make my dreams come true...=_=...
So, ignoring that, we are now at chapter 4, Crying Rose.
Yeah, I am suspected as the serial killer, but this time, when I bumped into Kain at night watch, he actually yelled at me....>_<
He said that was my tactic to make vampires look bad meaning he really suspected me to be the killer and made the whole thing look like a vampire did it.
Kain how could you!!! (‐/\‐ゞ)むかっ!
So I guess the only people that believes in me are Kaname and guys...
Since no one else believes me, I decided to go and investigate the case. And as usual, got myself in trouble, and Kaname had to come and save me...
Kaname then told me the reason I was given the Crying Rose was because I will be the next target. So in order to keep safe, I need to stay in my room and not go anywhere while they go out and find the real killer.
But of course, me? The baka shoujo, why would I stay put and avoid the chance of a near death experience so the bishies can come and save me? >)
Then running free, I was of course attacked by the real killer, and then totally useless, Kain appeared and rescued me.
Kain: you stupid idiot!!!
Me: hey...I totally agree with you...┐( ̄~ ̄)┌
by the way...I noticed, I have no head in that CG!! o__O;;;
Since I have been cleared of my name, then Cross organised the wonderful ball with freakin' dance mini-games.
As my partner, Kain and I danced...^^
Then the usual pattern, after dance---> ITS MAKE OUT TIME!! 〇(≧▽≦)〇
Finally alone and in the dark, Kain asked if he could drink my blood because he got really turned on.
Heck, why not? Here we go~
Then wondering where to pick to let him suck, learning from experience, let's always go for the most pervy spot.
*willingly offering thigh*
Then...niehehehehehehe >D
This WILD senpai is drinking blood from the most pervy spot!! He finally did it!! XDD
And if he looks up, I think he can see stuff 8D 8D 8D
And that hand on the skirt, it's like he was about to roll it up....
by the way...Kain said in the CG, "I dont want Hanabusa to find out..."
Hanabusa?? Why? I thought the one you would be worried about is Kaname??
Okay, I will stop here for part 1. Please hold your breath for part 2 that is to come ^^/
AS requested, here is the bigger version of the awesome thigh bite 8D
Click image for bigger size ^^