Mar 18, 2003 23:26
Almost worst than SATAN... NEOPETS!
... bad for you... yet so addicting... yet so stupid... yet yet... madness MADNESS
Yes, that is the conclusion that has come to my mind. Why is it so evil one asks me? What is the point of having a neopet? Wastes so much of my time, as does for those neopetoholics out there... yeah you guys... you guys know who you are... "manner game." That's how serious it is people... there are cheats out there for a make up world where you raise an animal... a neopet. Its like pokemon con sarn it. I mean its almost as worse as 2 ugly chicks at your house :P... but not quite... because you get some satifaction out of neopets... like getting quests from hot faerie ladies. But... lets not go into that... its completely wasted 2 full days of mine. I coudl've went out and played with my 3 dogs... which are REAL PETS... not a neo piece of ca ca pet. ... so why did i start??? I would like to thank my good o'l broitch... Philbo... no not rambo... PHILBO!!!
5 quick reasons why this neopet madness should be obliterated:
1) I lost 66k with a spin of a wheel
2) I spent over 5k only to get shit... literally burnt shit in return
3) These pets dont talk to me :(
4) My pet is a pussy {example: went into a cave and it told me to go home}
5) ITS NOT REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
---- If only i could somehow make these pets real.. than me and my baby shoryu, Kulkuza, could fly away... miles away... bah... see? Madness!