Jun 06, 2010 09:21
1) a good thing: my cycling progress is continuing.
2) also good: I helped pack up more GI boxes yesterday. We are planning a big mailing before the end of the month. There's still time to contribute to Blue Star Moms, if anyone wants to add to packages for the soldiers.
3) fun: I had a very pleasant time at Rat's BBQ for the local shire folks. I drank my first alcoholic lemonade and a mimosa and liked them both (a lot). Reminds me of the wine coolers we drank in the 60's. LOL. Company was nice and he and Stacy have a really pleasant back yard.
4) Weird: I had a very strange dream somewhere between 5 and 7 AM. I was a docent or server at a Victorian style open house. I was my younger self and wearing a lovely heirloom linen outfit, including fine lacy lingerie and a dress of tucked and pleated white fabric with lovely lace inserts. I was serving Victorian snacks of some sort on beautiful silver and china. People were asking me questions for which I did not necessarily know the answers. (I don't really know that much about that period in history other than a couple of books I've read.) What makes this all rather strange is that it comes from out of the blue. As a pre-teen, I did live for few months in an old western house built at that time, but it was furnished in mostlly depression/wartime cast-offs, so only the "appliances," the Ben Franklin stove and the ancient black cooking range were Victorian. I have not read a book or seen a movie about the period in a long time. I've never been to a Dickens Faire, or been a docent for an open house of any sort. Although I did take kids for exploratory visits to the John Muir House about 20 years ago. This was a long and memorable dream. Usually these long and memorable dreams are messages for me. I cannot find any sort of meaning in this one.