In which TOP has to cut a bitch.

Jul 12, 2009 01:30

In which TOP has to cut a bitch.
todae, pg(-13 for language), 471

because shichan gave me osm intense korean rap, and was angry at some shallow bitch, so keichan wrote fic for her :D ilusm~!

Seunghyun finds Daesung huddled in a bathroom stall after history and before calculus.

"Hey," he says, knocking on the door. Daesung's feet suddenly disappear, but Seunghyun isn't fooled for a second. "Hey. Daesung. I know you're in there."

There is silence for a moment, and then Daesung says, "So what if I am? Just leave me alone."

Seunghyun knocks again, as if it will make a difference. "Why did you skip history?"

There is a noise of frustration from inside the stall, and suddenly Daesung shouts, "Maybe because I don't fucking want to go to history!"

Seunghyun kicks the door open, grabs Daesung by the shoulders, and pushes him against the wall.

"Why don't you tell me what's really going on, huh?!" he shouts, and then notices Daesung's eyes. "Daesung."

"It's Yeonhee, she - she was talking about my family, and-"

Seunghyun tightens his grip on Daesung's shoulder and then lets go. "I'll kill her," he says, turning around.

"Hey, wait!" Daesung says, wrapping both his arms around one of Seunghyun's in an effort to hold him back. "Wait! Let me finish!"

Seunghyun stops, turning back to face Daesung.

"She was talking about my sister and my mom, and I wanted to hit her so badly-" Daesung slams his fist against the wall for emphasis, "-but if I get in another fight I know I'll get suspended, epecially for hitting a stupid girl, and I was just so frustrated-"

Hot, angry tears begin to stream down Daesung's face, and he pounds his fists first against the wall, then against Seunghyun's chest.

"If I see that piece of shit again I swear I'll-"

Seunghyun places a single finger over Daesung's mouth, gently kisses him on the forehead, and says, "Why don't you just stay here, okay? I'll be right back."

Daesung nods, a little dazed (did Seunghyun just kiss me?), and sits down on the toilet for a full twenty seconds before he realizes what just happened.

"Seunghyun!" he shouts, almost tripping as he sprints out of the bathroom. "Hey, wait! You can't kill her! She's a girl!"

Seunghyun rips open the door and makes a beeline for Yeonhee before the teacher can tell him how nice it is of him to show up for class.

"You," Seunghyun says, grabbing her arm and pulling her to her feet. "You are so lucky that you're a girl. If you ever even so much as look at Daesung again, I will make you regret ever being born."

Seunghyun stares at the terrified girl for a moment before shoving her roughly back into her seat. He gives the teacher a quick nod, glares at the rest of the class, and grabs the hand of an open-mouthed Daesung at the door.

"Calculus is not important," he explains as he and Daesung walk out into the sun.

does top have to cut a bitch??

LOL POOR GD! shichan is my hero forever x3

/sorry for pointless fic

pairing: top/daesung, fandom: big bang

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