Yup you guessed it! Its Tuesday and I am back at the coffee shop. Its become a nice little thing me and my wife do. Ok she does it because she needs the bandwidth to upload her images to her store but I keep her distracted most of the time so she has fun too. Today we had to run to the bank and make a quick deposit so that things would stay in the black. Right now they are apparently roasting some coffee down stairs and it smells great. I found a couple of coffees I found that should be good. Brazilian Peaberry sounds really good. I haven't even tried it yet but I figure ... what the hell. Gotta try new stuff sometimes :) I found this neat
website of a group of people who have gone through and orchestrated the Zelda game music. Currently I am downloading all they have. Its nice music. And while the Twilight Princess didn't need much in the re-orchestration department its nice to hear what they have done with the earlier stuff. And they are working on this new soundscapes project that seems pretty cool. As I listen to more it gets even cooler :) The kids are going to want some of these on their MP3 players hehe.
So i slept on the couch last night. no no its not like that. I'm not in the dog house. actually I'm in the doghouse for sleeping on the couch because today i'm hurting pretty bad and I am a whiny bitch. I mean I freaking hurt! OUCH! and thats just because I fell asleep on the couch last night. Usually I am very comfortable on the couch but last night... ugh... it sucked. I was hoping to get a shower this morning and when I woke up I looked at the clock and it said 4:41 am I thought, "Oh good I'll just give it 5 minutes and get up." well 5 minutes turned into 55 and the next thing I know its 5:58 am and I have to get up and get the kids ready for school. Damnit. OK well Maybe later today I can get a hot shower and get rid of this kink.