The WOW starts when?

Feb 02, 2007 11:39

OK. Just got Vista loaded and um.... >.> <.< -_- not impressed. Oh yeah all that stuff under the hood. Oh great! um User interface. OOOH Pretty... um ok what else.. That it? blargh!!!! and they want how much for this steaming pile of Software?  Ok Ok  I know its better (somewhere)  And yeah Direct X10  woo hoo.  pbbbtt    OOH DRM, RSS,  Media player 11 um  all suckage.  The mass majority of people are POOR!!!  With no disposable income to waste on Online content.  Content should be provided free of charge if were paying out the ass for their stupid software.  Oh but I must be in the Minority!  Cause I don't spend my disposable income on Xboxes or PS3.  Naw I spend them on stuff like Gamecube, gameboy and older technology.  Well can't help it if they are more fun then their crapola.  I don't even buy songs on Itunes.  I like to get my music the old fashioned way.  Go to a "USED" music store and buy a bunch of CD's at $1.00 a piece and then save them to  my HDD  OOH.  Entire albums can be had for $1.00 if you know where to look.  Shesh people, I built every computer that is running in my house with the exception of those given to me.  If i were to buy a copy of Vista I would have to put an OEM copy on my equipment just so I could afford the software and even then that would only happen at the beginning of the year.  At any rate what I am trying to say is Vista is nice and pretty and for the common sheep user it will be fine.  But DO NOT BE AFRAID to try new and different things. A revolution is coming in the PC world and we will control the outcome.  Sure there are alternatives but currently they don't have the mass support of the entertainment industry and that is a driving force.  Linux needs game support form all players before it can be successful.  The success of an operating system can be judged by the number of games it has support for.  Look at the games available for each system.  There is a paltry sum available from actual developers.  I don't count the ones that the hard working people over at WineHQ get to work under Wine.  I understand that.  But they shouldn't have to write a windows emulator.  Developers should write code that should be omni available on all systems.  And that will have to come at some point if the market is to stay viable instead of the stagnant pool of disgust it is now.  I am not slighting the OSS community at all.  I appreciate all that they do and as things stand now its basically find a need fill a need.  Thats the way it should be.  Well i'm climbing off my soapbox now.


vista oss drm rss suckage crapola gamebo

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