Well its Saturday. And IMMA Cleanin my office... ugh. It is soooo slow. To tell the truth I don't have the brain to work on any projects so I am trying to keep busy with work related stuff. Monitoring the support site Check mail... OKAY! So here i set and its 4:20 and well there isn't enough time to justify coffee... And I have an ass long drive back to the house. It seems to get longer when I don't have anything to listen to..... Damn. gonna have to call the exterminators for those damn crickets...
Cant even find any good web comics lately. And I am caught up on all my others.. Well, nothing going on ... supremely bored. Maybe i will look for some podcasts before i leave for the day.
That should keep me occupied for about 45 minutes. Just long enough to get home.
In other news
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies is first to the mat with an announcement of a 1-terabyte hard disk drive. Industry analysts widely expected a 1TB drive to ship sometime in 2007; Hitachi grabbed a head start on the competition by announcing its drive today, just before the largest U.S. consumer electronics show starts next week.
Full story here...