(no subject)

Jun 03, 2006 10:34

It's Saturday morning... and I wake up before 10am. Why you ask? Because I fell asleep at 10 last night. -.-'

It seems like my default reaction to not having anything to do is to sleep. Which I guess is better than the old default--which was food.

I was supposed to get a call sometime yesterday telling me what was going on today...but, of course, no call. So I have....no clue.

So while I piddle-fart around my house waiting for people to decide what's going on, I thought I'd post in here for a bit.

I'm so broke right now, .

Thursday I went to get my check, and they weren't there due to Memorial day putting everything a day behind. Fine. I come back yesterday with just enough gas to get my check, cash it, and get to the cheap gas station near my house. I'd spent the last of my little change bowl after getting off work that morning on some dollar menu breakfast.

But guess what? Yeah... they lost my paycheck.

Cue an hour or so of sending messages and phone calls trying to find where the damned thing is. No luck. I finally borrow $20 from the store so I can get gas enough for work this next week and head home leaving a note to call me if anyone finds the check.

No call.

No check.

I have, like, $0.41 cents to my name right now.

I'm just lucky I paid rent already and thus, most of my bills with it. But this does mean I'm eating the ramen, spagheti and bologna I bought the other day for the next week. It also means no afters or soda or buying a prop I wanted or anything like that. No treats and nothing but brown bag lunches for me.

It doesn't fuck me, but it is annoying as sin. If this had happened last week, I'd have been fucked... so the timing is nice at least.

money, friends

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