I asked the husband earlier today "when did we get popular?"
To which he replied, we always were, it's just that this month it's been more noticeable.
I guess that's sort of true. If by popular you mean the glue that holds a group together that would otherwise fall desperately apart and barely ever speak to each other otherwise.... *shrug*
But, meh. It's almost christmas, and I guess I should be all happy and exited and stuff.
I am, really... I just.. can't seem to really show it this year. I guess the job/money thing is just taking it's toll on me. I'm really hoping not to have to delve into the money from my cd, but I'm not sure that's going to be possible. If anything, I'd like to keep it to a minimum. I'll be happy with that if I can manage it, I think.
This is just one of the two times a year where money tends to get a little away from me, no matter how much I try, no matter how much I budget. Christmas, and DragonCon, lol. DragonCon wasn't that bad this year though. And will only get better, now that it's finally dawned on me how to really COOK while there (my crock-pot-fu is nigh unbeatable!).
I'm a hair concerned about all the holiday stuff, but I don't think anythingwill be wrong. Most of my calculations factor OUT the money from the CD, so if we have to "borrow" (i.e. use) a little bit from that, that's alright. That's what it's there for; why I didn't let it renew this time around.
Also, all my birthday and christmas money is spent. I probably should have saved SOME of it for later... BUT. The b-day cash from my friends came with the requirement that I'm not allowed to have it unless I spend it (specifically at thinkgeek.com) so I didn't have much choice there.
The rest of the b-day money, and christmas cash... well... it went to a NICE ring order. To restock some of my stuff, add new stuff, and FINALLY get some of the stainless steel rings I've been desperately wanting. Also managed to get in on some next to impossible to get Floor Sweepings, and HIGH QUALITY (i.e. the GOOD stuff) Floor Sweepings, so I really couldn't pass up the opportunity. Plus, whatever I make with the stuff I have, and especially with the new stuff (the stainless in particular) I can sell as soon as it's made because I don't have to worry about any black rub-off that non-anodized alluminum is notorious for (another -main- reason I didn't try too hard to sell some of my pieces, the ones high in non-a alluminum content in particular). And if they can be sold "as is", I can look into maybe finding a place to show them, like the monthly art walk in downtown, or on consignment somewhere or something. So, theoretically, I'll be getting some of that back if anything sells. *totally keeps fingers crossed*
I'm going to the bank tomorrow (today, as it's almost 3am) to deposit all the cash. Plus, here in a day or two I should be getting a check for one of the chokers I just sold so I can deposit that. And when my mom gets me my b-day and x-mas cash from my gramma, into the checking THAT will go (to cover the totally uberawesome Boondock Saints t-shirt I picked up today). And, of course, I've already got the money for the other choker I sold, so that naturally means an extra 13 bucks I don't have to pay towards all the stuff too. So.. All in all, it should balance out, and I may even come out a couple bucks ahead. Unlikely, but why not stay positive, right? *grin*
If I can get the husband to use a little bit of his, I'll be happy. I'm not letting him spend it on bills, but I know he worries about maybe needing emergency cash and such, so he can save the rest for that, or for other things here and there later. I mean, it's what I WOULD be doing myself, if not for the fact that it enables me to put myself in a position to possibly MAKE some money.
Now I just need to find a way to get good quality photos of my stuff. Maybe put together a little "catalog" of stuff I can do, or examples of my work for possible custom pieces, that I can give to the husband and my dad to take to work, and for my mom to carry around for when she meets people. Who knows. First things first though- get new stuff, and MAKE THINGS! (I admit to feeling a bit uncharacteristically optimistic... but the very quick sale of TWO of my newest piece -and the coming stainless rings- has given me a much needed confidence boost.)
Okay, so enough about my rings and money, lol. I'm not really all THAT worried about the money thing, it's just one of the MANY thoughts and things that are weighing me lately. Sat down the other night at mom's and just cried. When she asked me what was wrong, all I could tell her was "everything... everything's just finally gotten to me I think, but I couldn't tell you what any of it is." Which is the truth. Logically, I could name contributing factors, sure. But realistically, I couldn't have given you any specifics at all as to what was wrong beyond "everything."
Hell, I broke down in tears, massive, devastated tears two weeks ago for no reason when I ruined dinner. (And I mean ruined. We might actually have to throw the pot away, it was so spectacularly ruined, lol.) No rhyme, no reason. Other than I ruined dinner, couldn't salvage any of it, and didn't have time to fix it and make something else. Granted, looking at things now, calm, rational... it's actually rather comical, and over my entire life of cooking, it's only the second thing I've ever really ruined, which is NOT a bad track record at all. But at the time? You'd have thought my world was unraveling and coming to an end.
My dad did, however, get quite a laugh when I told him the story. Go figure. *shrug*
But, the year is almost over. Hopefully, things will be better in the coming year. (which reminds me, I need to do some research on the appropriate color candle to burn for good luck and fortune in the new year. See if I can pick that up and another red one to help strengthen it while they are all on sale at half off at hobby lobby...)
Guess I'll have to find time to do that too.
And thus, we get around (finally) to the whole reason for the title of this entry. Let me show you the schedule, as I can remember, for the next week or so.
Wed, Dec 17:
Run to the Bank.
Go shopping for Christmas Dinner.
Some other productive cleaning.
Call and remind temp agencies I'm alive/available.
Doomtown night and Garrison/Rapier meeting at Borderlands at 7, expect to get home LATE.
Thurs, Dec 18:
Lunch with sister-in-law and her boyfriend at Noon.
Fri, Dec 19:
Heroclix and Movie/Music/Magic Study night.
Sat, Dec 20:
Secret Santa lunch for us and our friends at Noon.
Husband's company's Christmas party on the boat, starting at 4pm.
Sun, Dec 21:
Regular Champions game.
Neighbor's wife's birthday party at 6:30, 7pm. (crap, still need to pick up small gift.)
And in all of this mess, I still have to find time to research my candles for new years, perform my black candle burning to help get rid of all my negative energy, find a way to consecrate the kitchen since it's the only room in the house that hasn't been -don't ask-, try and make some new chainmail pieces, start and FINISH a drawing for a christmas art swap project, perform at least one green candle burning, re-start my notebook for my magic study -it feels like it's time to do that again-, AND whatever else may happen to pop up at any given time. Plus, I would LIKE to get in some work on custom figs and painting (figs and drawings) as well. Not to mention the daily chores of trash detail, dishes, and productive cleaning. (okay, maybe the last two aren't exactly "daily" but I'd like to TRY, damnit)
All in all.. a rather busy month. No wonder everything got to me! LOL.
Anyway, I think that's about enough for now. I feel better and need to get to bed or something, so I will leave you with this little bit of useless spam:
Two sides to your personality, fiery but fragile, often indecisive.
Colors: male: yellow, female: green
Compatible Signs: Isis, Thoth
Dates: Mar 1 - Mar 10, Nov 27 - Dec 18
Role: God of the afterlife
Appearance: A green-skinned man wrapped up like a mummy, wearing the Atef crown and holding a crook and flail
Sacred animals: bull
What is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?
Designed by
CyberWarlock of
Warlock's Quizzles and Quandaries Sad part is... It's actually SCARY how accurate this really is. (The husband is Anubis, btw.)