Dec 31, 2005 14:56
Another year gone....
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT WANNA GET OLD DAMMIT!!! WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!?!?! >.<;;
SO...hmm..I've known most of you guys for almost 1 and a half year already... wow! XD;
Well...we might be going San Francisco yeah..hmmm..
Anywho! Time to list out my New Year's resolution! Note: this is not going in order, I list it out randomly and hopefully I can achieve at least one of them dammit. >.<;;;
-lose 10-20 pounds! lol XDD or at least get rid of my booty and tighs..damn I have booty and tighs like black girls >.>;; so yeah, I'd be shakin my thang but hell...I dont want booty and tighs!! >.<;; coz you know....-wants the jrock look- XD;
-color or at least highlight my hair pink or orange ^^
-lip peircing
-ermm...repeirce my ears XDD;; yeah, they closed long time ago Oo;
-improve my Tagalog and learn MORE Japanese
-get better grades ^^ hehe...
-get a boyfriend! lol <---- yeah right! I gave up on "love"...or maybe I still dont understand what the meaning of "looooove" is! ^_~
-learn how to stop talking AND acting like a ghetto ass...AIITE FO'SHEEZY MY HOMIE!! XDD I'm so fob....
-improve my singing voice lol; I kinda lost my voice ever since I started listening to Dir en Grey ^^ Kyo is not a great singing inspiration but he's still cool! XD And I know that coz everytime I sing on the MagicSing mic, my score always end up on the 60's. It was always on the 90's or 100's before I started listening to Dir en Grey. ^^; Still, I will not stop listening to them! NEVER!! MWAHAHAHHAHA!!
-get more money (dunno if that's a resolution)
Hmmm...I think I have more resolutions but I cant think of any rite now. ^^
One more thing: SMILE FO' ME BABEZ!!! LEMME SEE YO GRILLZ!! ^_~
OHHHHHHHH!!! NOw I know what I want!!!
I WANT GRILLZ!! Nyahahahahaha! lol Just kidding just kidding..ewww...grillz?? Nah, I dont want no gold, silver, or daimond teeths. I'm fine with my own teeth. ^^